Chapter 12

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Tobias wakes me up at eleven thirty pm. "Are you ready?" He whispers, "Yeah, mhm," I answer. I try to look calm on the outside, when on the inside I'm a scared wreck. I put on my protective gear, a gun hidden in my pocket. Tobias gets into a police like outfit. I laugh, "Good luck," I say.

"Good luck to you," he says. I feel my hands shake, I try to ignore it. "We'll help each other," I say, and give him a long hug. We don't know if this is our last secure moment together. "Let's do this," I say, and we go out the door into the cold night.

This could be the last time I ever step outside. The last time I ever feel the snow on my nose. What if I never see daylight again? I could die in the Bureau. We could die in the Bureau. I squeeze Tobias's hand, what if I never get the chance to call him dad? If I never find the right moment.

I never said goodbye to Evelyn. Or Caleb. Or even Peter and Christina. Hopefully we get to at least make it far enough to see my mom. We approach the wall, "We're here on a mission for Jack Kang," Tobias says to a night guard. "Go right ahead Mr. Eaton," the guard responds, he steps out of the way.

We walk through the remains of the Amity farms until we reach the Bureau. Tobias grabs my wrist, pretending to escort me to jail. We arrive at the entrance, "Hello, I'm officer Walter, I was assigned by David to take this girl back to her cell," he says to the officer at the door, I must say he was very convincing.

I try to act as pissed as possible. "David didn't mention anything about an officer named Walter or that anyone was bringing a girl to her cell," the officer says. "Would you like me to tell David you are disobeying him and not allowing me entry?" Tobias asks, "Uh, no, sorry, go ahead," the officer says.

"Thank you," says Tobias. Wow, can he put on a show. He drags me inside, "Where do I go?" He asks, "Take two lefts, then go down the first flight of stairs you see," I whisper. Once we get to the door in front that leads to the cells Tobias stops. "I can't believe, after thirteen years, I will finally see Tris again," he sighs.

He grabs the keys behind the plaque next to the door. He unlocks it and we walk inside. I see all my 'jail buddies' and they silently wave and smile. We finally get to my mom's cell. I see her facing the corner, just sitting there. "Mom?" I whisper, she turns around.

"Raven?" She asks, "Yes," I sob, "it's me." She grabs my hands and looks to my left, "Tobias," she says. He goes up to her and kisses her through the bars. "Let's get her out," I say, he finds the key for her cell and unlocks it. She stumbles into his arms, and I stumble into hers. "You're free," I whisper.

"Let's go. Fast, before we get caught," I say and we start walking. When I open the door a man holds me at gunpoint, "Move and you die," he says. Tobias holds him at gunpoint, "Let her go," he says. "Why should I listen to you? Tobias Eaton," says the man, I kick him in is stomach, causing him to fall.

He drops his gun, "Say goodnight!" I say. I kick his head and grab his gun. "Run!" Tobias says, we run down the long hallways. I see a bullet hit the wall, "Watch out!" I hear a voice yell. The voice belongs to someone familiar. I see a figure jump in front of me, and I see the gunmen fall to their deaths.

I look at the figure that just saved my life. The figure that the voice belonged to. I cry at the sight of Evelyn, who lays dead on the floor in front of me. "She saved me," I cry, and lay my head on her stomach, "I love you, Evelyn!" I sob into her bloody shirt. "Mom," Tobias whispers, and places his hand on his mother's heart.

"Thank you mom," he says, and pulls me off her. My mom gives me a sympathetic hug and we continue running. "Hide, I'll shut off the power and meet you guys here," Tobias whispers. He goes into a room labeled, 'NO TRESPASSING' and my mom and I hide behind a long sofa.

I see the lights go off and screams fill the air. Tobias comes out of the room and finds us. "Let's move!" He says, and we start running again. I feel someone's hands grab my shoulders. One arm around my waist one hand on my mouth. I attempt to peel their hand off my mouth, "Tobi-" I try. The hand goes back on my mouth.

"Tobi-," I try again. The person punches my side. I panic, not knowing what to do. Then it all comes to me. I know exactly what to do without realizing it.

"Dad!" I scream, I kick the person in their crotch and I feel Tobias grab my hand. He pulls me away and I grab my gun just in case. I see the power return, and people surround us. Luckily they don't notice me.

I shoot two of them, and my mom punches the other one. We exit the building, and run for our lives. We reach the wall, "Don't let anyone in!" Tobias shouts at the guards, "No matter what they say!" I feel a sharp pain in my arm but keep running anyway. Once we reach the middle of the city, we fall into a snow pile.

"Raven," Tobias says, "I don't know if I was hallucinating but did I hear you call me dad?" I nod, my arm is in too much pain for me to talk. I point to it. My mom rips off a piece of her sleeve, "You got shot," she says. She covers the wound with the cloth.

I give her a big long hug, "Mom," I say. "You're safe Raven," she says. Tobias and my mom hug for a long, long, time. "I thought you were dead," he tells her, "But I'm not," she says, "I'm right here." They bring me into their hug and I smile. This is the securest I've felt in my entire life. "Evelyn died to protect me," I say, "She's only known me for a few weeks and she still took a bullet for me."

Tobias smiles, "She may have died but she died a heroic death," he says. We walk back to his apartment, and I fall onto the couch. I feel the pain in my arm grow stronger, "Help," I manage to say, my mom rushes to my side. She brings a wash cloth and some stitches.

"This is going to hurt, close your eyes," she says. She removes the bullet and cleans the blood, "I'm going to stitch your arm so don't move," she says. She stitches my arm and I bite my lip in pain. "There you go," she finishes. Tobias sits next to her, "Wow," he sighs, "I have to catch you up on everything."

He explains everything. My encounters with Caleb and Jack. He tells her that Johanna and Jack have a son, Jared. He tells her about when him and I first met. About how he retaught Peter. That Christina is okay. The deal I made with Jack. Everything.

"Where does Christina live?" She asks, "Across the street actually," Tobias answers. "Can you take me to visit her? She should know I'm here," she says. We go to Christina's apartment building and knock on her door. She opens it and is shocked by what she sees.

"Tris!" She squeals and wraps her in her arms. "I didn't think I'd ever see you again," she says, "Me too," my mom replies. We go into Christina's apartment, "When did you get here?" She asks. "About an hour ago," my mom answers. "Does Caleb know you're here?" Christina asks, "No," my mom answers.

"Where's Evelyn?" Christina asks Tobias. She notices my sad expression, "Oh my god, I'm so sorry," she says. She pats my knee, "I'm just so happy you're here Tris," she smiles. I hear a knock on the door, "I'll get it," I offer. I open the door to Caleb.

"Hey Raven, I just came to see if you were here, I knocked on your door and nobody answered," Caleb says. He walks in and sees my mom, "Beatrice?" He asks, "Is that you? You look so grown up," he says. My mom fumbles into his arms, "Caleb," she says.

"I never imagined I would ever see you again," he says. "Well now that we have Tris back there's only one more problem on our plate," Tobias says, "we need to get Raven out of her deal with Jack."

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