Chapter 8

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I get out of the shower and the first thing I see is a note. I open it up and it reads:

Good morning Raven, I'm out on an errand but I'll be back soon. Evelyn has agreed to stay with you and take you to Caleb.

Tobias x

I get dressed in a long dress Evelyn gave me. "Did you get Tobias's note?" She asks as I walk into the living room, I nod. "In an hour I'm taking you to Caleb's," she says, "So Tobias all of a sudden trusts him?" I ask. "Well not exactly, but he sees how much he means to you," she says. I smile and help Evelyn clean for the remainder of the morning.

Evelyn and I go to Caleb's place, thankfully the snow isn't too heavy. Caleb is already outside the building, "Hi," he says. I wave, "Tobias will come for her in a little bit," Evelyn tells him. "I'm thirteen, why can't I walk back myself?" I ask, "Tobias doesn't want anything to happen to you. I roll my eyes, typical Tobias. Caleb takes me inside, "So when are you guys saving Tris?" He asks.

"We were supposed to go today but obviously Tobias changed his mind."

"Well tell him when you go I want in."

"You really think Tobias will let you come with us? He barely even wants me there let alone you."

"He better let me come, Tris is my sister."

"You're right, you do have the right to come and besides, he can't control you."

"Well, I'd rather have his okay."

"You know what? We should save her ourselves."

"I don't think so."

"C'mon, Caleb. All we need to do is sneak out."

"Well if we do, Tobias will never trust me."

"If we make it out alive with my mom he would have to trust you."

"I guess."

"Let's leave tomorrow."

"Okay, meet me by the train at sunrise."


Caleb gets up to get us snacks but before he can reach his kitchen Tobias knocks on the door. "Caleb! Give me my kid back!" He shouts, Caleb opens the door. "Huh, good afternoon to you too," Caleb says, "Shut up and give me my kid," Tobias repeats, clearly angry. I walk up to them, "Hi," I say to Tobias. "Let's go," he says, "Okay, bye Caleb," I say.

I don't fight to stay because I don't feel like messing with Tobias. "Why are you so upset?" I ask, "Jack Kang wants to change the city to a monarchy," he says. "So? What's so bad about that?" I ask, "He doesn't want Tris here and the only way she can come is if you agree to be queen and let Tris come," he explains.

"You told him about her?"


"Can't you just convince him not to make the city a monarchy?"

"Don't you think I tried? I told him that making this a monarchy is a crappy idea and that it should be a democracy."

"Why can't it just stay the same?"

"That he won't agree on."

"Well I don't want to be a queen."

"I don't want you to either, but anyway, I think he's bluffing. I think what he really wants is to test you."

"For what?"

"Your divergence."

"But I'm not divergent."

"Raven, you have two divergent parents, one who is the strongest in the world. I'm pretty sure you have some divergence in your genes."

"I guess, but why the excuse of changing the city to a monarchy?"

"I don't know."

"Let me talk to him."


"He can test me, and let Tris come back."

"Okay but then I'm coming too."

"I'll be fine on my own."

"Trust me, you don't know Kang like I do."

"Okay, fine."

We walk to a large white building, it's as clean as if it was newly built. Inside there are marble floors and high ceilings, "Jack!" Tobias yells. I see Jared and Jack both enter the room, "Back so soon?" Jack asks. "Raven wants to talk to you about something," Tobias says, "Come to my office," Jack responds.

We walk up a flight of stairs, "Sit," Jack says, pointing to two chairs in front of a desk. We do as we were told, "So what's your concern little girl," Jack asks.

"I want you to call of the monarchy."

"Did you honestly think I would listen to you?"

"No, but I thought I'd try. Besides, doesn't the truth set you free?"

"That is true."

"I think you should make the city a democracy rather than a monarchy, so we can choose our leaders."

"And for what? So that I'll eventually lose power? No."

"Fine. Well since you're a man of truth, tell me your true reason for making the city into a monarchy?"

"So I can stay in power."

"And why don't you want Tris here?"

"She could be a threat."

"To what?"

"To my vision for the city. See, I want to bring the faction system back, but instead of having faction leaders I want to have candor being the ruling faction with a monarchy. This way, I will be the ruler for the rest of my life. The candor people will be the government."

"Well you don't even like me and you want me to be a queen for your 'vision'?"

"That's the only way you can bring your mom back."

"Johanna can be queen, aren't you guys married?"

"Yes, but I want young representatives. You see, I will be the decision maker but you will be the face of the city."

"All you need is a king, and you have Jared."

"But the people would be in love with the idea of a king and queen."

"I think I'm way too young."

"This is a later plan of course, but if you agree now I will let you bring Tris back."


I shake hands with Jack, "What? Why would you so easily agree to that?" Tobias says, "This is the only way Tris can come back," I answer. "I think we're done here," Tobias says, and drags me out. Once we get back to his apartment Tobias goes to Evelyn, "You'll never believe what your granddaughter got herself into," he says.

"What?" She asks, "Jack has some vision to make the city a monarchy and bring the faction system back. Guess who your future queen is going to be?" He tells her, "And you let her?!" Evelyn says. "I couldn't do anything to stop her!" He shouts back. "I'm sorry! I didn't know what else to do, he won't let Tris come back any other way!" I chime in.

"We'll figure out how to get you out of this once your mom comes back," she says.

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