Chapter 4

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I walk past Tobias's room, it's three o'clock in the morning so obviously he's sleeping. In the next room I see Evelyn sleeping too. I grab the keys to the apartment and head outside. I watch the snow make a blanket on the floor, and I lie in it. It's still dark out, so the stars are still shining. I've never really been alone, at least in a comfortable way. There was always someone there, watching me.

I think of my mom, the police only come in once a month, and they already went this month so they won't notice I'm gone. I hope she's alright, I hope she knows I'm thinking about her. It must be awful being there by herself, I wish I could tell her we're coming. I push that thought aside, it makes me too sad.

I close my eyes and imagine my problems away. I open my eyes and turn on my side, I see Tobias looking up like I was. "What are you doing up this early?" He asks, I shrug my shoulders, "How about you?" I ask. "Well let's just say I saw you passing my room," he replies, "oh," is all I can say.

"Seriously though, you're going to freeze out here," he says. We walk back into the apartment, "Go to sleep, I'm going to be waking you up in about three hours," Tobias yawns. I sit on the couch and doze off, at six o'clock Tobias wakes me up and gives me black leggings, black boots, and a black jacket.

I put it all on and tie my hair into a ponytail. "Let's go catch the train," he says. We walk out and go to the tracks, today it takes a while for the train to come. "Today you're going to jump on your own, I'll go first so I can help you on, okay?" He explains, "Okay," I answer. The train comes and Tobias jumps, "Run!" He yells, I start running and he reaches out his hand.

"I got it!" I insist, he grabs my wrist and pulls me on. "You didn't have to do that," I say, "Trust me if I didn't you would have killed yourself," he snaps. I lean against the wall, and I start to hear footsteps. "Tobias? What was that?" I ask, my voice quivering. "I don't know," he whispers, and he stands next to me. We wait for a while, then we see a boy walk in to the car.

"Who are you guys?" He asks, he looks around my age. "I'm Tobias Eaton, that's my daughter, Raven," Tobias answers. "Oh, well I'm Jared Kang," he says, "Are you by any chance Jack Kang's son?" Tobias asks, the boy nods. "Ready Raven?" Tobias asks me, ignoring the boy's presence. "Yes," I reply.

"Nice meeting you both," the boy says sarcastically, and he winks at me. I roll my eyes and concentrate on when to jump. Tobias grabs my hand and we jump. I cut my cheek on a rock, "Ow," I groan. Tobias cuts off a piece of his sleeve, "Let me help you," he offers.

"I'm fine."

"Let me just clean the blood."

"I said I'm fine, you can quit babying me."

"Raven, I'm only trying to help."

"Then stop trying, you barely know me. I really don't get why you care so much."

"Listen, I may not have known you you're whole life but I'm still your dad. I have the right to help you."

"Ugh, whatever."


He wipes my cheek and a scratch is left behind. "Thanks," I say, even if I don't really mean it. After we jump of the ledge we go to a big room that looks sort of like a training room. "Today I'm going to teach you the basics of fighting," Tobias explains, "I want you to punch me in the stomach." I stare at him with a confused look, "Why would I do that?" I ask.

"Because I can handle a punch from you," he answers. I punch him as hard as I can right in the stomach, "See? I didn't feel a thing," he brags. "Yeah, yeah, whatever," I say, and we continue with the lesson.

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