Chapter 17

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"What's wrong?" I ask, Jared sighs.

"He knows we're coming."

"Who, Your dad?"



"He apparently has people watching me. He knows every word I've ever said to you, and when I've met with you. He also knows what I've been doing in Amity."

"So how are we supposed to stop him."

"That's the problem I don't know."

"We need to think of something. Are you being watched right now?"

"No. My dad doesn't know I'm gone, neither do his spies."


"Do you have any ideas?"

"No. But we need to think of something. Our futures are at risk."

"There's only one thing to do."


"He may be my dad but."

"But what?"

"Jack Kang must die."

"Don't you think that's way to harsh?"

"Maybe. But we can't let someone like him stay around."


"I know that it sounds cruel, but we don't really have any other options."

"We could always just imprison him."

"That's to easy."

"What do you mean? He isn't technically a 'bad person'."

"Do you know what that man has done?"


"He put me in prison. Fed me once a day. Didn't take care of me. Threatened to kill me. Abused my mom. And now, once he's got you in his hands, will do the same to us."

"No wonder Johanna left him."


"You're right, he does deserve to die."

"We have to tell my parents, they can help."

"Are you crazy? Tobias hates me."

"I can change his mind."

"Raven, I believe in you and everything, but there's no way you can change Tobias's mind."

"Watch me."

I run into my parents room to wake them up, "I have someone who needs to talk to you," I tell them. "Who?" Tobias asks, "You'll see," I answer. We go into the living room, "What does he want?" Tobias asks, "and how did he get in?" "I have a key to every lock in the city," Jared says. "He has something to tell you, please just hear him out," I say.

"I'm listening," he says. Jared explains everything. What Jack's done. His plan to kill him. And any other important detail. "Tell Johanna not to bring her group, to just let us three come," my mom says, "we can kill him ourselves." Jared shakes his head, "I will follow any instruction for his plan but Tris, I kill him," he says.

"Okay, so we go in for the meeting, make sure you're there Jared. We'll all come prepared with guns. Raven, you're going to ask Jack if his security can show you around. Tris and I will stay in the room with Jared. Raven, you're going to knock the security guards out. Then Jared will shoot Jack. Tris and I will hold him down for you," Tobias explains.

We all nod, "I have to go but I will see you guys later," Jared says. Once he's gone My mom sighs, "I've only been back for less than a week and this is already the second risky thing I'm taking part in," she says. "Well if we don't get this sorted out we'll never be able to live normally," Tobias says.

"We'll never be able to live normal. At least not while we have that weight of murdering someone," I say. "We can live normally, we've been doing fine even though we have that hanging over our heads," Tobias says. I sit on the couch, "Why does everything have to be so complicated? Why are we always fighting for our lives?" I ask.

"Because there is this guy. His name is Life. He will throw things at you and all you need to do is learn how to take them, and throw it right back at him," my mom explains, "we're lucky to be alive. Do you know how many people I've had to watch die? My parents, Will, Al, Uriah, Marlene, Evelyn, and a few more."

At the sound of Uriah's name Tobias's face becomes guilt stricken. "Oh my god. I haven't spoken to Zeke since we came back," Tobias says to himself. "Zeke?" I ask, "Uriah's brother," he says. Wow. I can't imagine how it must feel to have a list of losses as long as their's. Mine is very short.

Short but important. Mine consists of Molly and Evelyn. We sit together, quietly, for a long time.

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