About the series and clarifications

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Hey guys! So this is the first time I, the author, am writing to you from my point of view. I really hope you enjoyed reading this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. I am adding a lot of twists to Veronica Roth's original ending. Obviously, by this surprising, not clarified, ending there will be a book two and maybe a following book. If you are interested in this upcoming sequel follow me to get updated when I publish it. (It's up) No, this is not me trying to gain followers I just don't know any other way to inform you. Now I'd like to talk about why I put some of the things I did in case you're interested. First of all I added Jared to spice up the plot a bit but mainly so I could have someone to help Raven find herself. Also, I made Raven's fear landscape based off what I'm assuming would be in mine. I wanted to give her some of my traits. Also, I wrote her to be in Amity as one of her factions because that's where I think I'd be. The reason I killed Evelyn was because she was a very closed book. I wanted her to go from seeming like she isn't too caring to dying for her loved ones. I wanted to give her a heroic death. If you've read my other stories, you're aware that there is always a character named Molly. Molly is the name of one of my best friends. She was the one who inspired me to start writing. I included this character to give Raven more of a sad back story. Even though I said I wanted to give Raven some of my qualities, she isn't one hundred percent me. I'm not as much as a closed book as her, and I'm also a bit more gullible than her. But now, after this long and somewhat explanation of my story, I want to thank you. Yes I'm talking about you. The reader. You whose eyes are drawn to my words. Thank you for sticking around and reading. Hopefully you thought positively of this story but if you didn't that's okay too. But anyways thank you. I genuinely have a consideration for each person who decided to click 'read' and 'vote.' Anyways I hope you are interested in reading the next story. I hope that when you shut off your phone or computer or whatever you're reading this on you understand that everyone has times when they feel alone. But you have to welcome new people with open arms. Unless they're pansycakes in which case don't. Well, I guess this is


At least for now.

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