Chapter 14

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I feel my mom's hand on my shoulder, "Wake up," she says. "Why, what's going on?" I ask, "I just want to go on a walk," she answers. I get up and we go outside, "How are you liking the city?" She asks. "It's nice I guess," I answer.

"Where do you go when you're walking around," she asks.

"Just around."

"Where's around?"

"Why are so interested in my life all of a sudden?"

"I've always been interested in your life."

"I've been walking near the building."

"You seem defensive."

"Am not."

We just keep walking, "Can I be alone?" I ask, "Raven why are you so secluded?" My mom asks. "Please, I just need time to myself," I say, "Okay," she sighs, then goes to the apartment.

I lay in the snow for about a half an hour and then I feel Jared lie next to me. "What's up?" He asks, "Can you stop following me around?" I ask. "I was just walking around and I saw you so here I am," he says.

"I just want to be alone."

"Why are you such a loner? You would think after living a life in jail you'd want to be more social."

"Well then you don't understand what it's like to come back from jail."

"At least I know how to how to be a friend."

"I'd hardly call stalking someone being a friend."

"Well how am I supposed to talk to you? It's not like your an approachable person."

"I am."

"You call being a brat approachable?"

"If you think I'm such a brat then why do you keep following me around?"

"Because your trying to play hard to get."

"I'm not trying to play anything."

"You don't realize but you are. You can stop pretending like you want to be alone in life. It's not that you want to be alone it's that you don't know how not to be."


"No one wants to be alone. I know deep down you want a friend. You just don't know how to act friendly towards people."

"Well, if you're such a people expert, teach me how to act towards people."

"Start by being a somewhat open person, as challenging as that might be for you."

"I can be open."

"Prove it, when I see you at noon."

He gets up and walks away. I stay for a while longer. Should I go to the pit to see him? I only have a few hours to think about that. I go to the apartment before my parents start to worry. "Are you done being alone?" My mom asks, I simply nod.

Tobias walks up behind me, "Hi," he says. I remember Jared's advice, and I smile at Tobias. "Hi," I say, as cheerful as possible. "Are you feeling okay?" He asks, "I'm great," I answer. "Okay, then," he says, and walks into the kitchen.

I sit on one of the bar stools by the kitchen counter, "Here, Peter brought some dauntless cake," Tobias says, and gives me a slice. "Thank you," I smile, this whole 'being more friendly' thing is kind of strange. I try and smile for as long as I can. I can't imagine how the Amity people would be able to do it without their bread.

"Are you sure you're okay?" My mom asks, "Mhm," I nod and attempt a small giggle. This feels so weird. "What's gotten into you?" Tobias asks, "What do you mean?" I ask. "You're acting so perky," he says. "Oh no, I'm just trying to be more friendly and open," I say.

"Where'd you get that idea from?" He asks, "I just thought of it," I answer. "Why?" He asks, I shrug my shoulders and force a little giggle. "Are you under the peace serum?" My mom asks, I shake my head. I can't stand this, it's to awkward.

"I'm sorry I won't act like that, I know it's really weird for me too," I admit. I see the clock and it reads eleven fifty, "Can I go to Dauntless? I feel like throwing knives for a bit," I ask, "You're always going out," Tobias says. "Please!" I beg, "Okay, fine, but be back in thirty minutes," he says. I nod in agreement.

I jump onto the train and go into the pit, I see Jared. "So you decided to show up," he says, "Yup," I answer, "just trying to be more friendly." He laughs, "Well okay then," he says. "So why did you ask me to come?" I ask.

"You know how my dad wants to make the city a monarchy?"


"Did you know my mom is Johanna?"


"Well she disagrees with him and has formed a group of people who are against the idea. They want to overthrow him, but my mom wants help from you and your parents."

"Why us?"

"Because they need you to help them get in. Jack thinks he has your trust so he'll let you guys in."

"So they just want to use us?"

"It'll get you out of your deal."

"But how am I supposed to tell my parents I know? They think I came here to throw knives."

"Oh so your mom is here?"

"Yes, but if you tell your dad I swear I will hurt you."


"I need to go, meet me outside my apartment at midnight."

"Got it."



I go back to my apartment, "I saw Jared at Dauntless, and he said that Johanna formed a group of people who are against Jack's idea. He says they need our help," I tell my parents. "He could be lying," my mom says, "True," Tobias says. "Well what if he isn't? We should at least consider believing him," I reason.

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