Chapter 3

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Tobias wakes me up early today, he says he has a surprise. We walk a long way until we finally reach train tracks. I know what we're doing, we have to jump. My mom told me about this too. "Are you ready?" Tobias asks, "No!" I say, "Then hold on tight," he says, "What?!" I shout, he flings me onto his back and I hold tightly onto his shoulders.

He takes a big leap and I fall off his back into a pile of boxes in the train car. "Well that went better than I thought," he laughs. I get into a comfortable position and stare out at the moving city. "You used to do this everyday?" I ask, Tobias nods although he doesn't look directly at me, I guess he's focusing on when to jump off.

"We'll be there in one minute," he finally says. I start shaking, will he expect me to jump off myself? I look at him, hoping he will read my face, "You need help getting off?" He asks, "mhm," I answer. "Okay, so this time your not going on my back, instead you going to hold my hand and jump with me," he explains.

He grabs my hand and we go to the other side of the train. We get into a running position, "Ready?" He asks, I give him a thumbs up. He starts running and I go along with him, we both jump. I watch my feet walk on the air between the train and the building we're jumping onto. I scream until I hit the ground, thankfully Tobias breaks my fall.

"Thanks," I say

"No problem, are you okay?"

"Yeah, how about you?"

"I'm good."

"So where are we going?"

"You're about to find out."

"Why can't you tell me?"

"Because if I told you it wouldn't be a surprise now would it."

"I guess not."

"Just one question."


"Are you afraid of heights."

"I can't say, I've never experienced anything up high."

"Then this should be interesting."

We walk up to the ledge of the building. I can hear Tobias's heavy breathing, he must be scared. Oh yeah, he has a fear of heights.

"Ready to jump?" Tobias asks.

"More jumping?! There isn't even anything down there, it's just a hole!"

"There's a net, I'll go down first, then I'll help you off the net."

"You promise?"

"Of course."

He jumps and when he reaches the hole I can't see him anymore, I do the only thing there really is to do..... I jump. I feel the wind carry me down, I close my eyes and scream when I hit the net. He brings the net down, "Are you okay?" Tobias asks. I don't answer, mostly because there is something else in the back of my mind. This is a lot like one of my mom's memories, the memory of when her and my dad met.

He lifts me off the net, we walk through a dark hall. I see the shadow of a boy, "Peter? Are you there?" Tobias asks. "Yeah, over here!" I hear a voice yell back. Peter is a familiar name. I see a boy with brown hair and olive skin appear out of the darkness, "Is this her?" He asks. Tobias nods, "Raven this is Peter, one of my dauntless students," Tobias tells me.

Peter waves, "You know you're the daughter of a legend," he says. I half smile, "You remember what I told you to do right?" Tobias asks Peter, "Yup," he replies. "Raven, you're going to go with Peter," Tobias explains, "Okay," I respond. Peter pats my back, and I follow him to wherever he's going. We reach a stairwell, "After you," Peter says, I walk in front of him. When we reach the top I see nothing but a long line, "Do I have to jump again?" I ask.


"Then what are we going to do?"

"You see that harness?"


"I'm going to attach you to it, all you have to do is glide. When you see your dad at the end you're going to pull that string, but only when he tells you, got it?"

"Got it."

He lifts my into the harness, "Have fun, kid," he says. He pushes me and I start moving down the line, I scream at the top of my lungs. I start to realize it's more fun than scary, like I'm flying. I spread out my arms, as if I'm a bird. A raven. Just like the tattoos on my mom's collar bone, the thing I was named for.

"Whoo!" I yell, I've never felt so alive in my life. I start to see Tobias, "Pull the brakes!" He says, and I do just that. I stop right at the wall like I'm supposed to, it was just like something my mom described. "That was so cool!" I shout, and give Tobias a hug, "Glad you liked it," he says.

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