Chapter 13

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My mom and Tobias are catching up which gave me the opportunity to sneak out. I jump onto the train, not exactly knowing where I'm going. I ride for a while and decide to go to dauntless. I sit in the empty pit, wondering how many people once sat in here.

"What are you doing here alone?" I hear Jared say. "What do you mean alone?" I ask, "Shouldn't your dad be here making sure you don't break one of your pretty little nails?" He says. "Shouldn't you be killing puppies with your dad?" I respond, "Fair enough," he smirks.

"Why are you here anyway?" I ask.

"Just getting away."

"From what."

"Why do you care? Damn, you sure are your dad's daughter."

"What's that supposed to mean?"


"You're such a jerk, get out of here."

"Since when did you own the pit?"

"Go bother someone else."

"What if I want to bother you?"

"Look, whatever you want out of me say it now, my dad is going to notice I'm gone."

"Meet me here tomorrow, around noon."

"And if I don't?"

"Nothing. It's just a casual invite."

I get up to leave, I feel Jared grab my arm, "Oh and Raven, I don't understand why you're so afraid of me. I'm not my dad," he says. I escape his grip and keep walking. When I get home I see my parents on the couch, "Where were you?" Tobias asks.

"Just walking outside," I answer, "I don't believe you," he says. "I was just giving you guys some space," I say. "Tobias, I think she needs some time for herself," my mom says. "Okay," he agrees, I guess my mom being here will give me more freedom.

I sit down in the chair across from them. "What's that on your chest?" She asks, "It's a tattoo. I got the abnegation symbol on my heart," I answer. She nods, "I heard you learned how to jump onto the train." "You guys were talking about me?" I ask, "Does that bother you?" Tobias asks.

I shake my head, "What's the plan?" My mom asks, "For what?" I question. "To get you out of your deal with Jack," she answers, I shrug my shoulders. "Well I guess he isn't that big of a threat," she says, "so we don't really need to worry." "Let's not worry about that. We just saved you so let's focus on being together," Tobias says.

We aren't complete. Evelyn isn't here. I didn't talk much to Evelyn and I didn't know her long but I still cared about her. Plus, she saved my life, and that is a debt I will never be able to repay. I also kind of wish Caleb was here, I like talking to him.

Peter is also fun, he's nice too. I haven't gotten to know Christina. "Did I tell you I went zip lining?" Tobias asks my mom, "I thought you were afraid of heights," she says. "But when I thought you died I wanted to do something in honor of you," he explains.

"Speaking of zip lining I want to go," she says. We head to the train, "I haven't jumped onto a moving train in years," my mom laughs. Tobias holds her hand and they jump first. I chase the train for a while then jump.

When we get to the top of the building where the beginning of the line is, my mom smiles. "I missed this place," she says. Tobias helps her into the harness, "I'm going to go to the bottom, I'll help you out then we'll come back up to help Raven," he explains.

He pushes her off and goes downstairs. Out of the corner of my eye I see Jared, leaning against the wall. "Are you stalking me now?" I ask, "Something like that," he says. "What's your deal?" I ask, "I guess we're just at the same places at the same time," he says.

"You're such a creep."

"Thank you."

"You need to get a life, seriously."

"And you need to stop shutting people out."

"I don't shut people out."

"Has it occurred to you that I just maybe want to get to know you? I don't have any friends here."

"Then why did you try to kidnap me?"

"Because all I live for is doing stuff for my dad. I was supposed to kidnap you in a sack. I didn't want to hurt you so I just carried you. That's also why when my dad and I saw you in the training room at dauntless, I told him that we should have left before you're dad came."

"Am I supposed to just agree to being your friend now?"

"I just enjoy talking to you. Even though you hate me."

He leaves and I just stand there feeling like a jerk. I still don't really want to get to know him. He isn't that interesting to me. I prefer my parents' friends. Tobias comes back up, "Are you ready?" He asks. I nod and he lifts me into the harness.

I scream as I get carried down the line, when I approach the bottom I pull the brake and my mom helps me off. Tobias comes and we go back to his apartment, "That was so cool," my mom says. Her and Tobias go to sleep early. I stay up for a while. Even though I was offered Evelyn's room I still sleep on the couch.

I feel it should be left untouched. I wrap myself in a warm blanket, I kind of enjoy just being alone at night. I give myself enough comfort. I wish I wasn't like that though. I wish I could say I enjoy being around people rather than being alone. But I don't.

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