Chapter 5

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Tobias sits next to me on the couch, "How come Peter was with us the other day?" I ask.

"What do you mean?"

"I thought his memory got erased."

"It did, but we re taught him everything."


"So, how are you liking Chicago?"

"It's cool."

"Better than jail I bet."


"When we rescue your mom our life is going to be amazing."

"I bet."

I wonder how Tobias will react when he sees my mom. Will he be scared? Happy? Nervous? I also wonder when would be the right time to call him dad. That's a moment I want to save for later, but later when? Tobias puts an arm around my shoulder, "We're going to get your mom soon," he says. "How soon?" I ask, "In about a week," he says.

I yawn of exhaustion, training today was tough. I put my head on his shoulder, "I'm going to be part of a family," he says, "a happy one." He lays my head, "Goodnight," is the last thing I hear him say before I fall asleep.

I start to dream. Of fire. I dream of burning hands pushing me back into my jail cell. The image of the police, drowning my mom comes to my head. It all seems so real, I can almost feel the flames. A woman with blonde hair appears, "I admire your resistance," she says. I know this lady, my mom talked about her once. Jeanine Mathews.

I scream as I wake up. The first person who runs into the room is Evelyn, she rushes to my side. "Help!" I yell as I cling to her, "You're okay, you're safe," she says. Tobias runs in, "What happened, is everything okay?" He asks. "I think it's your time to be a dad," Evelyn answers. She gets up and gives her space to him. He sits next to me.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"No." I say

"What's wrong?"

"I was having a nightmare. They brought me back."

"Don't worry, you're fine."


"You're sweating, mom can you bring me a towel!"

Evelyn passes him a small rag and he uses it to wipe my face. I give him a hug, not letting go. "I'm right here, you're okay," he says, "What about my mom? We can't know for sure if she's okay!" I yell. He sighs, "I know," is all he says. He wraps his arms around me. I'm scared, not for myself, but for the only person I love in this world. My mom.

I wake up with my head on the armrest of the couch, and I see Tobias on the floor next to me. "You didn't have to stay here all night," I say. "Of course I did, I needed to know you were okay," he says. I sit up straight, "I think we should rescue my mom sooner," I say. "Two days," he says, and he gets up.

"Get ready to train!" He says. I get up and get ready. We catch the train and I sit in silence, until I hear a familiar voice. "You guys again?" I hear Jared say, I give a sarcastic smile. "Where are going?" He asks, I don't answer, neither does Tobias. "Why do you care?" I ask, "Just wondering," he says defensively. He jumps off in front of a big white building, "Nice seeing you again, Raven," he smirks. I ignore him.

Tobias and I jump off at our usual place, "Do you want a tattoo?" He asks, I nod with excitement. We go down to a tattoo parlor in what he calls the 'pit.' "What do you want?" He asks, I take a good look at the tattoos.

"I want the abnegation symbol." I say.

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