Chapter 15

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I look at the clock on the kitchen counter. It reads twelve o'clock, midnight. I go outside to meet Jared, just like he told me to. "My parents aren't too convinced," I tell him. "Well hello to you too," he says.

"Seriously, we have to convince them," I say. "Well, tell them to meet us at Amity," he says.

"You really think they'll just say yes?"

"True, okay."

"I'll figure it out."

"My mom said she's giving you twenty four hours."

"I can manage."

"I hope so."

He holds out his hand. "What?" I ask, "You're supposed to shake it, doesn't everyone know that?" He says. I grab his wrist and shake it, "Not like that," he laughs. He grabs my hand and softly shakes it up and down. His hand feels cold, almost like ice. "Oh," I say, "Well, bye." "Bye."

I walk into the apartment and go back to sleep. I hear Caleb's voice in the buzzer minutes later. "Raven? Are you awake?" He asks. I get up and go to the buzzer next to the door, "I am now," I say. "Come outside," he says, "Okay," I agree.

I walk outside again, "Why were you shaking hands with Jared Kang?" Caleb asks. "That's none of your concern," I answer, "So you wouldn't care if I told your parents?" He asks. "Okay, okay. You know about my deal with Jack right?" I ask. He nods.

"Well, he says Johanna has a group of people who are planning to overthrow Jack. They just need help from me and my parents," I explain. "Be careful with him," Caleb warns, "He isn't who you think he is," I say.

"Well then who is he?"

"He's him, but he isn't like his dad like you'd think."

"Yes he his, he's practically a smaller version of his dad."

"No. He's actually kind of nice."

"Yeah, okay."

"Wait a second. I just realized something. Why are you up at midnight? And what are you doing here? You don't live anywhere near here."

"I just came to see Tris."

"At midnight?"

"Yes. I figured since she's going to want to spend all day with you and Four the only time I'll see her is now."


"Can you get her please?"


I take Caleb inside and into my parent's room. "Mom," I whisper, "wake up, Caleb's here." She gets, "Why is he here in the middle of the night?" She asks, I shrug my shoulders.

"Beatrice," Caleb says, "Tris. It's Tris now Caleb," my mom says. "I just came to apologize," he says.

"For what?" My mom asks.

"For everything. Betraying you, not believing you, and letting you risk yourself."

"Caleb, I forgave you a long time ago."

"I know but I haven't."

"That was a long time ago, just let go."

"I can't. You're not the only person I owe apologies to. I also owe a few to our parents."

My mom gives him a hug, "Caleb, they would've forgiven you too," she says. He flashes a small smile, "I know," I he says. "You should go home, it's really late," she says, "Bye." "Bye." My mom goes back to her room.

Tobias is the first to wake up after that. I wake up shortly after. He sits down next to me, "I can't believe we did it," he says. "We wouldn't have if it wasn't for Evelyn," I say, "She gave her life for you so you could live on and be happy not miserable," he says.

"Well she didn't really have anything to live for," he says, "At least you gave her something worth dying for." He wraps his arm around my shoulder. "By the way, what made you call me dad?" he asks, "I was in trouble. Also I was looking for the right moment to do it and that's when I thought it was right," I answer.

I smile. But then I remember what Jared told me, 'I have twenty four hours.' "Hey, uh, since one of my factions is Amity can you and my mom take me there? Just to see what it looks like," I ask. Tobias nods, "Sure, we can go later today," he says.

"Can I go out for a bit?" I ask, "Again? Raven, this is starting to be an everyday thing," Tobias says. "Please! I like going around the city," I say. Tobias sighs, "Okay fine, but not too long," he gives in. I go to the train tracks and start running.

I'm running out of time to jump. I feel something grab my hand and pull me on. More like someone. "It's a good thing I'm stalking you," Jared laughs. "Thank you," I say in between breaths. I sit down and try to regain energy. "Are you okay?" He asks, "Yeah, I'm fine," I answer.

"I actually came to talk to you," I say.

"What's up?"

"I got my parents to take me to Amity later. They think I want to visit. Make sure Johanna and her group is there all day."




"Are you lying to me?"


"Wanting to be my friend."

"Well first of all if I was I wouldn't tell you."


"But I'm not."

"Of all the people in the city why do you want to get to know me?"

"Well first of all I'm not going to be like most guys and say it's because you're different than other girls. It's because we share something in common."

"Which is?"

"We both share the same struggle."

"What do you mean?"

"Why do you think not many people know who I am? Why I have no friends. It's because my dad kept me in prison until I was old enough to do stuff for him. I'm lonely, just like you."

"Oh, I never thought-"

"That someone like me would have been imprisoned for nine years?"


We ride the train for a while and I feel his hand find mine.

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