Chapter 20

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I try to think about Jared's words. We've only known each other for a few weeks. But still, I feel the same way. No. I can't. "Jared, I love you too, but I don't want to start anything," I say. He nods, "Thank goodness. I have feelings for you and I knew you had feelings for me too but I don't want a relationship."

I sigh with relief. "Solvergent best friends?" I ask, "Solvergent best friends," he confirms. I crawl back up onto the couch, "Goodnight," we say simultaneously. It takes me about thirty minutes to fall asleep again. When I wake up I hear Zeke's voice. "Where am I?" He asks, "What do you mean?" I ask, going next to the medical table.

"Who are you?" He asks.

"Raven. The girl you tried to murder yesterday, ring a bell?"

"Why would I murder you I don't know you."

"I'm Tobias's daughter."

"He has a kid?"

"What's the last thing you remember?"

"I was with Jack Kang and he said to hang on and now I'm here."

"You must've been under a serum. Do you have an urge to kill Tobias because he killed your brother?"

"No. I forgave him years ago."

"Jack did this to you."

"Hey, uh, why am I strapped to a medical bed?"

"Sorry, let me get you off of there."

I cut the ropes off.


"Is this Tobias's apartment?"



Tobias walks into the room. "He didn't have any intention to kill you. He was under a serum, a serum made by Jack," I tell him. "I knew it. I knew you would never do that," he tells Zeke. "Well I have to bring Jared back to Johanna, anyone want to come?" Tobias asks.

"I do," I hear my mom say, she walks up behind Tobias. "Me too," I say, "I might as well," Zeke adds. Jared gets perks up, "Let's go," he says. We walk out of the apartment and see Caleb and Christina running towards us. "Tris! Four!" Christina shouts, "wait!"

"What's wrong?" My mom asks, "Did you see them?" Christina asks. "Who?" Tobias asks, "They didn't stop by your apartment?" Christina asks. "Who?!" My mom asks. I see Jared fall to the ground. He lies there motionless.... Dead. "Jared!" I cry, I go down next to him, "come back." Caleb points behind us. We all turn around. The sight is shocking. I hear my parents utter two very shocking names, me saying the third. Three names that will change everything.

"Marlene?" "Uriah?" "Molly?"

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