Chapter 2

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I wake to the sound of a coffee machine. I sit up and turn my head in the direction of the kitchen. The first thing I see is Tobias pouring two cups of coffee. I've heard of the stuff, I'd see the police drink it all the time, but I've never tasted it. "Rise and shine sleeping beauty," he laughs, I just smile.

"Want some?" He asks, "Sure, thanks," I reply. I get up and grab a cup, he strokes my hair. "Hey, why did Christina call you four yesterday?" I ask, "Did your mom tell you about the factions?" He asks.


"Well in Dauntless, I had the option to change my name. I changed it to four because I have four fears."

"What are they?"

"Heights, tight spaces, killing the innocent and......"

"And what?"

"Want more coffee?"

"Seriously, tell me."

"My father."

"What, why?"

"He used to beat me."


"That's why I'm trying to be as nice as possible to you, I don't want you to have to be afraid of me."

"Well, you are sort of scary."

"I get that a lot."

I laugh a little and finish my cup. Evelyn walks into the room, "You two seem to be getting along well," she says. I nod, "Well if he's my dad I'm going to have to get used to him," I say. Tobias flicks sink water at me and laughs.

"Oh it's on!" I challenge, and I splash soap water on him. He takes a cup, fills it with water and dumps it on my head. I laugh and give him a soap mustache and beard. "Hey mom I finally got that mustache I wanted," he says to Evelyn. "Alright you two go get dried off," she says.

Tobias and I go to the linen closet and grab towels. I dry my hair, and sit back on the couch. "On a more serious note, when are we going to save my mom?" I ask.

"Well first I have to train you."


"In case you need to fight."

"I can take care of myself."

"You've lived in prison your entire
life. You won't know how to handle anything we face."

"That's what guns are for."

"Trust me, killing people isn't as easy as it sounds."


"Excuse me?"

"My mom killed a boy, she told me, his name was Will."

"Killing a person isn't exactly a walk in the park."

"What if it's for protection?"

"I'll put it this way, if there is a way we can get in without committing murder than lets do it."


We sit for a while, "Raven, there's someone I think you should meet," he says, "Who?" I ask. "Your uncle, Caleb," he answers. We leave his apartment and go outside, "Where does he live?" I ask, "A few blocks down," he tells me.

The snow falls all over us, "It's so cold, Tobias," I say. He wraps his arm around me, I'm not so sure if I should start calling him dad just yet. I don't think he'd be comfortable with it. We approach a small apartment building, He opens the door for me, "After you," he says.

Tobias knocks roughly on a door, "Open up, Caleb!" He groans. "What do you want, Four?" Caleb yells back, "You have a visitor," Tobias answers back. Caleb opens the door, he looks just as I imagined he would. "Who is that?" He asks, "Caleb, I want you to meet your niece," Tobias says.

"Since when do I have a niece?"

"Since thirteen years ago."

"Are you serious?"

"Does it look like I'm joking?"


"Then why have I never met her?"

"Why do you think? Who could her mom be? You only have one sister."

"Had. Tris is dead, remember? How could she be Tris's daughter if Tris is dead?"

Tobias explains everything to Caleb and he doesn't seem convinced. I sit there quietly, I don't exactly care if he believes I'm his niece or not considering what he did to my mom. "Tobias, we don't have to prove anything to him," I say.

Tobias just ignores me, which kind of hurts. I need to find a way to get their attention, their fighting isn't fun to listen to. "Ah!" I yell as I pretend to collapse, Tobias and Caleb rush down. "Are you okay, kid?" Caleb asks, I don't answer. "Raven, can you hear me?" Tobias asks, "yup, I'm fine," I say as I jump up to my feet.

"Don't scare me like that!" Tobias shouts, "well I had to do something to get you guys to stop fighting!" I snap back, and right away I regret messing with him. "Raven, just get out of this!" He shouts, "Okay," I give in. "Huh, maybe she is Tris's daughter, she sure can snap at people," Caleb laughs. I cross my arms.

"I need evidence, to prove we're related," Caleb says. "Okay, let's do a genetic test," I say, "you obviously know how to do that, since you're an Erudite." He stares at me, "How'd you know that?" He asks, "My mom told me," I answer. "Come inside," he says. "Stay close," Tobias whispers to me.

"Alright kid I'm gonna have to prick your finger, don't worry the pain is temporary," Caleb explains. "I don't trust you, let me see that needle," Tobias says. "Relax its fine," Caleb argues, "I'm not letting you lay a finger on my daughter unless I know it's safe!" He snaps, "Oh so you're the dad," Caleb smirks.

"Just give me the needle," Tobias says, and Caleb hands it to him. Tobias examines the needle very thoroughly, not missing one inch. "It's clean," he concludes, "Thank you," Caleb remarks sarcastically. He grabs my finger and pokes it with the needle, quickly collecting my blood in a small jar.

He does the same to himself, then he goes to some large machine. "This machine will analyze the blood, searching for any relationship in our genes," he explains. He places the blood samples in two different tubes and within seconds things I can't decipher appear on a screen.

"Alright then, I guess you are my niece," he says. I half smile, "Well Raven, you got to meet your uncle now let's go," Tobias says. "Wait! I just found out I have a niece and I can't even spend time with her? Wow Four, talk about over protective," Caleb says, clearly angry.

"Sorry Caleb, Tris may have forgiven you but I won't," Tobias tells him. "Tobias, give him a chance!" I plead, he looks at Caleb, "Ten minutes," Tobias says. He leaves the room, slamming the door behind him. "So how are you liking your dad so far?" Caleb asks.

"He has only known me for two days and he's so over protective!"

"He was like that with your mom too."

"Yeah, but it's annoying."

"Trust me it'll be worse, he won't give you any freedom."


"Yup, it'll be just like living in jail."



"I said no, I don't believe you."

"Okay, that's up to you."

"I think we're done here, bye Caleb."

"That's Uncle Caleb to you."


I leave and go out to Tobias, "Back so soon?" He asks. "Yeah, I don't want to listen to anything he has to say to me," I reply, Tobias hands me my mittens and we leave the building.

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