Chapter 7

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Tobias makes sushi for Him, Evelyn, and I. "Mom!" He yells, "Your sushi is ready!" Evelyn walks in, her hair drying in a towel. "I thought you guys were training," she says, "Well Jack Kang is trying to get information out of Raven and it might not be for good reasons," Tobias says. "I never trusted that guy," Evelyn says, "Well it's even worse cause he has a son he's using to help him," Tobias tells her.

"Oh, I already knew that," Evelyn says, "Jared is his name I think, he's Johanna's kid." Tobias flashes a shocked look, "What?!" He says, Evelyn nods. I know all these people they are talking about, and from the way my mom described them to me I didn't think they'd ever be together.

I hear a knock on the door, "I'll get it!" I shout. I run and open the door, "Caleb? What do you want?" I ask. "I wanted to see you," he says, "Why?" I ask.

"Well I have no one here, and you're my only family."


"Please, just, give me a chance."

"I don't know, I'll have to ask Tobias, but come in."


"Tobias! Caleb is here."

Tobias sneers at him, "What does he want?" He asks me. "Tobias, please let me spend time with her, she's the only family I've got," Caleb pleads. "Wherever you're going I'm coming too," Tobias says. "Relax, I just wanna take her back to Abnegation," Caleb says. Tobias thinks for a while, "I'm still coming," Tobias insists.

We walk a short distance to what looks like a worn down neighborhood. "I'll stay right here, Raven scream for help if you need me," Tobias says, and I nod. Caleb takes me deeper into the neighborhood, then he stops in front of a house. "This is where your mom and I grew up," he says, and I stare at the small place. We walk inside and Caleb starts to cry, "Your mom and I were so innocent, we never imagined all this would happen to us," he says.

I walk around the house, it looks so dull. My mom described it this way, and the thought of her makes me sad. I look at Caleb, his tears drop to the floor. I start to feel bad, it must be terrible to lose your parents. At least I'm lucky to have mine alive even if I've never met one and the other is in jail. I give him a hug, because I understand what pain feels like. "You're my only family, Raven," he sobs, "I want you to at least like me."

I look him in the eyes, "I'll learn to like you," I say. He smiles and hugs me back, I haven't known him long but I'm all he has. I know how he feels, it's just like how I wanted Tobias to accept me. We sit in the house for a while, then go back to Tobias. "Thank you, Four," Caleb says, "Can I stay with Caleb?" I ask.

Tobias thinks for a while, "I don't know, sorry Caleb but I still don't exactly trust you," he says. Caleb nods, "I understand," he says, "C'mon Tobias!" I implore. "Raven, I'll just see you tomorrow," Caleb says. Tobias pats my back, "Bye," I call, and Caleb waves back. Tobias needs to loosen up. I'm a teenager, he needs to trust me more.

I feel two hands grab my arms and pull me aside. The hands belong to Jared. I scream for Tobias, and he comes running. Since Jared is only a few inches taller than me, he struggles to carry me on his back. I kick, and scream but he keeps running. Tobias trips him and punches his jaw, allowing me to break free. "Please, don't hurt me!" Jared begs, but Tobias throws another punch.

"Let's go, Raven," he says, and he grabs my hand and walks with me back to the apartment. I sit on the couch and curl up into a ball, it could've been worse but it was still scary. I just don't understand why Jared and Jack want information from me. What can they do with it? Evelyn is the one who comforts me, and I sit with her for a long time.

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