Chapter 11

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Peter grins, "Go fish," he says. "Are you cheating?" I ask, "Maybe," he says with a sarcastic mysterious face. He passes me the nines I was looking for. Tobias walks into the room, "Add me in," he says. I pass him some cards, "Be careful with Peter, he likes to cheat," I say. We play for a while until Peter decides to go home.

"Raven, I don't know if you want to answer this or hear this but why are you so against me being over protective?" Tobias asks, "Because when I was in jail my cell mate Molly, who I told you about before, said that she had an over protective dad before she went to jail and he made her life living hell," I answer.

"I won't do that to you," he says, "You're kind of controlling and monitoring my every move," I say. "I don't know how else I'm supposed to protect you," he sighs, "Just trust in me," I tell him. He nods, "I'll try."

We go to Dauntless and Tobias has me stand in front of a target. "You're going to stand there while I throw knives at you. You're going to dodge them but don't worry they're not sharp," he explains. "You're going to what? Isn't that the same thing you did to my mom? She said you hit her," I say, "I had to," he adds. He throws the first one at my head and I duck. "Nice," he says, we continue for about an hour.

Once we go back to his apartment we sit down to talk about our rescue plan.

"We have to think about all of the things that could go wrong," Tobias says.

"First of all, how do we get in?"

"Well since there's an airport at the Bureau we can say you're a pilot and I'm your pilot in training."

"They won't believe that."

"Do you have a better idea?"

"We can say that I'm a security guard and I'm bringing you back to jail."

"What if they follow us in?"

"We knock them out."

"And how do we get my mom out?"

"Well we get the key and escape the same way you did."

"That won't work the window is too small for you guys."

"Then I can say I'm taking you guys out for your hour of physical activity."

"That could work."

"And I can also shut down the power so they won't see us leave. I learned how to while I was staying there."


"We leave tomorrow at midnight."

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