Chapter 16

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"Are you ready to go to Amity?" Tobias asks, I nod. I think about Jared. How he held my hand in the train car. The feeling I felt was unexplainable. I try to ignore it.

Tobias, my mom, and I go to the train. We jump on and ride for about fifteen minutes until we reach pure woods. "Get ready to jump," my mom tells me, I leap of and tumble into the grass. "It's just beyond that forest," Tobias says. We keep walking until we see a little village like place.

I see a short woman walk out of a large hut. I'm under the assumption that she's Johanna. "Hello Four," she says, "Oh look, you're all here." Tobias gives me an angry look, letting me know he realizes I set this up. "What do you want, Johanna?" He asks.

"Your help," she says, "If you can get us into Candor, we will get Raven out of her deal with Jack." My mom looks at Tobias, they seem pretty convinced with the idea. "How do we know you're not going to back out once you get into Candor?" My mom asks, "I guess you won't," Johanna says.

Jared won't let her back out. If he meant what he said on the train he'll make sure she sticks to her word. "Okay," Tobias says, "but if my daughter isn't off the hook with Jack I will personally kill you." I shiver at that. I don't believe he'd actually kill her. Would he?

Jared walks out of the hut, "What's going on?" He asks Johanna. He looks at my parents, "Oh," he says. He winks at me, just like he did the first time we met. I snap out of it, I can't be in love. I wouldn't know the first thing about love, I'm only thirteen. My conscience breaks into war with itself.

"We'll go tomorrow at sunset," Johanna says. My parents look at each other in doubt. "Okay," my mom says. I sigh of relief, "Jared, I need you to get Jack to ask Raven for a meeting tomorrow at night," Johanna says, and he nods.

When we arrive at the apartment I see Peter sitting in front of the door. "What are you doing here?" Tobias asks, "I've been feeling sort of lonely," he answers. "How am I supposed to help you with that?" Tobias asks. "Who said I wanted to talk to you?" Peter snaps, "Then who do you want to cure your loneliness?" He asks.

"Raven," Peter answers. I give him a confused look, "Me?" I ask. He nods, "Do you mind?" He asks. "No," I answer. Why does everyone like to talk to me? Since when was I a person of interest? I laugh a little but stop myself. "What?" Peter asks, "I'm sorry I just don't get why so many people enjoy my company," I answer.

He gets up, I look to my parents for approval. They nod and walk inside. We walk out into the snow, "I've noticed you being really friendly with Jack's son," Peter says. Why is everyone spying on me?

"Yes and?"

"Do your parents approve?"

"First of all we aren't dating and second of all why do you care?"

"Just curious."

"Is my dad sending you to spy on me?"


"Are you sure?"


"Is this the only reason you wanted to talk to me?"


"Then why?"

"Because I'm lonely. Like you and Jared. Jared and I are friends. Well, we don't hate each other. The three of us should work together. We're all Solvergent."


"People who are lonely."


He brings me back to my apartment. "Hey," my mom says, I sit on the couch. "Well you're talkative," Tobias says, I shrug. I get ready to go to sleep. When I wake up I see Jared next to me.

"How did you-" "Raven, we have a problem."

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