Chapter 1

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It's been a few weeks and the Kamado family were very kind and generous. Nezuko would play with your hair and do cute styles in it as you looked after the little ones, since their Mother, Kie Kamado, was busy with the laundry and house work.

Hanako walked over to you with tears in her eyes, her lip quivering from containing her sobs. You looked at her with a worried expression as she sat on your lap and snuggled into your chest.

She sobbed,
" I-I had a nightmare whilst I was n-napping, m-my family was killed by a d-demon, including you, I was so scared,"

You could practically feel her shake in your grasp as you cradled her like a baby, rocking side to side slowly. You didn't know why but you had a feeling of deja vu, which happened sometimes.

A song appeared in your head that you have no memory off, yet it felt so familiar. You could hear a faint voice of a woman singing it, her voice like an angel.

You began to sing it, your vocals sounding like an angel that calmed her down.

" Where the North wind meets the sea
There's a river full of memory,"

Her eyes slowly began to close as your voice made her eyelids heavy and her fear fade.

You continued,
" Sleep, my darling, safe and sound
For in this river, all is found,"

Her body stopped shaking as her breathing started to go back to normal, not noticing the family walking in to listen to the song. They felt hypnotized by your voice.

" In her waters, deep and true
Lie the answers and a path for you
Dive down deep into her sound
But not too far or you'll be drowned,"

You noticed them watching you as most of the young walked over to you, placing each of their heads on your leg and shoulder, your voice making them sleepy.

" Yes, she will sing to those who'll hear
And in her song, all magic flows
But can you brave what you most fear?
Can you face what the river knows?"

Their eyes began to get heavy before slowly falling asleep as they clung onto you, feeling safe and comfy with you. Kie, Nezuko and Tanjiro watched with a smile, their heart warming up from the interaction.

You finished,
" Where the North wind meets the sea
There's a mother full of memory
Come, my darling, homeward bound
When all is lost, then all is found"

You finished the song as Kie thanked you as they each carried them to their futon, careful not to wake them up.

Tanjiro sat beside you with a smile,
" Your singing is beautiful, I've never heard such a beautiful voice,"

You blushed in embarrassment as you thanked him, he asked,
" We need to get more food tomorrow, do you want to come with me? I'm also selling some coal,"

You thought for a moment before nodding,
" Sure, but please can we go early to the point the sun isn't out? I'm not a morning person, especially with the sun in my face,"

He nodded, he knew you were lying since he could smell it but he decided not to push you. He trusted you with all of his heart, he knew you meant no harm.


The next morning, you and Tanjiro waved at them all as you walked down the mountain, the sunlight barely shining over the mountain. You walked into the market and helped Tanjiro sell coal, which was successful.

You bought some food with the money before heading back to the cottage. You sensed something was off causing you to stop in your tracks halfway up the path of the mountain.

Tanjiro looked at you in confusion,
" Y/n? Are you okay?"

You felt a sickening feeling in your stomach, and it wasn't a good one,
" Something isn't right, we have to hurry!"

You grabbed his hand in yours before running as fast as you could towards the cottage, making him panic slightly. He's never seen you act like this.

That's when it hit him like a wave. The scent of blood filled his nose as he cringed at the smell. His eyes widened in realization as you both ran over to the cottage.

They were dead. All of them.

He fell to the floor, mixed with emotions. The bodies of his family were scattered all over the floor, blood painted the walls and floor. Their lifeless eyes staring at nothing.

You gasped as you fought back your tears, you could have stopped this from happening. You could have saved them! You pulled him into a tight hug as he cried into your shoulder, causing some tears to fall down your cheeks.

You finally felt normal and free, then this happens. You noticed a familiar necklace on the floor that only you've seen before. You walked over to it and picked it up.

It was a dark F/C pendant that had beautiful diamond around the F/C gem. A note was placed beside it,
' This is what happens when you disobey me, I'll hunt you down and you'll regret running away' '

You began to sob, anger building inside you like a tornado. You wanted him dead, you wanted to see him suffer a slow and painful death. You wanted to see his blood pour over the freshly fallen snow, and you wanted to free this world from his reign of terror.

You placed the necklace around your neck after examining it before walking over to Nezuko. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion before noticing she was breathing, barely.

Your eyes widened as you picked her up and placed her on you back,
" Tanjiro! Nezuko is still alive! "

He ran towards you and nodded before you both began ran down the hill, not caring that the coldness hurt your lungs as you breathed heavily along with Tanjiro.

On the way, Nezuko began to growl and go crazy as she made you both fall of a cliff, but luckily the snow saved the fall. You noticed Nezuko was gone as you got up and began to look for her.

That's when you realized, she was now a demon.

The runaway ( Tanjiro x fem reader )Where stories live. Discover now