Chapter 43

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Tanjiro's POV

A loud explosion was heard un the distance, irritating the snake demon. She exclaimed in irritation,
" That infernal racket is giving me a headache. What is all that noise?"

She glared at him, her snakes hissing from the sense of her anger. She placed her hand on her hip,
" Exactly how many of you are there? Five perhaps?"

Tanjiro glared at her with pure hatred and determination whilst pointing his sword at him, ready to attack whenever she does. He responded bluntly,
" Who knows? "

She sighed heavily before a small grin formed on her face,
" Well, if you tell me the truth, I might be willing to spare your worthless life. We only clashed once, and yet your sword is chipped,"

She points at his katana as he glanced down at it in surprise. The blade was fractured and slightly chipped, which was concerning. Not just because he couldn't behead the demon without it, but also because he didn't want to get chased around by Mr. Haganezuka again.

She chuckled,
" The sword-smith who made this must have been an amateur,"

Tanjiro commented, irritated by the fact that she insulted Mr. Haganezuka,
" You're wrong! The person who formed this blade is amazing!"

Another loud explosion was heard but in another direction. A vein appeared on her forehead from the demon's anger,
" I'm growing fed up of this now. Let me end you,"

Her snakes grew larger and longer as they hissed loudly and went in straight for an attack. Tanjiro gripped his sword before dodging the attacks swiftly.

" Hinokami Kagura; Raging sun!"

He slashed the snakes head off, splatting blood everywhere. His attacks were to fast for the snake demon to read. The demon stared in surprise at his sudden change in style and movements. It was strange. Somehow, there was a slight fear within her that reminded her of something, but what?

The snakes grew their heads immediately before growing an extra head. Tanjiro noticed this as he sprinted, swinging his sword centimeters away from her face. If it wasn't for her dodging, she would have had a sliced face.

The more you decapitate her snakes; the more their heads grow and multiply!

Tanjiro thought in realization. He inhaled deeply before attacked again, with more speed and elegance,

" Hinokami Kagura; Fire wheel!"

He sliced her arms off before going in for another attack. His eyes widened once he saw the opening thread to officially decapitate her. She scoffed, clearly unfazed by his sudden action,
" Far to slow, you're making me yawn,"

One of her snakes hit him with the top of their head, hard, causing him to fly and fall on the floor. The impact was that hard he bounced a few times on the floor. He suddenly began to breathe heavily, his limbs feeling like they're on fire.

This is the drawback of using Hinokami Kagura. My body isn't fully used to the technique yet.

" Still alive other there?"

He tried to calm himself down, watching how she controlled her snakes to attack. They slithered towards him at a rapid speed, breaking the floor from their harsh movements.

He forced his body to move, and in a split second before the snakes could bite him, he slashed their throats. He jumped up in the air before landing gracefully. The snakes became more infuriated with him by the second.

Repeatedly, he dodged and slashed the snake's throats, not decapitating them fully. His movements got faster and more rapid than usual, ignoring the aching pain in his limbs.

Y/n's POV

You rolled your eyes at Inosuke's casual behavior, who was currently breaking all of the walls and ceilings in the Ogimoto house, trying to look for the demon.

You watched as he ran towards a specific place in the hallway, ignoring the presence of the terrified girls at the end of the hall. He slashed the floorboards like pizza, to see a little tunnel that leads under ground.

You stated,
" I can't fit down there, I'll see if I can find Tanjiro",

Inosuke nodded before dislocating all of his joints to go into the mysterious tunnel. You left the house in a hurry, already sensing that the upper moon demon had revealed themselves.

You just hoped that your friends will be alright.

Meanwhile with Killua

He sensed a powerful presence in the middle of the city before hearing a loud explosion. Alluka sat up from her short nap, rubbing her eyes,
" Big brother, what was that?"

He stared out of the window, watching the dust from the ground rise from the explosion,
" Something bad,"

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