Chapter 33

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Horrible slimy stuff emerged from the train roof and clung onto the train like a blanket, covering every inch. You and Tanjiro fought the attacks coming from the slime, but there was no point, they just kept coming.

You exclaimed,
" I'll take one half of the train, you protect the other half!"

He nodded before quickly pecking your cheek and smashing the train window to get inside. You ran to the other carts and broke in through the window, watching how the slimy stuff was about to attack the people, who were under a deep sleep.

You grabbed a dagger from your boot before slicing them all in a split second, your movement to fast to predict or see. This happened for a while and it was starting to get frustrating that nothing else was happening that could help.

Suddenly, the train shook violently from a strong attack, causing you to stumble slightly. You recognized the aura before smiling at the power Rengoku possessed.

You didn't notice one of the slimy tentacles was about to hit you, but was cut before it could. You looked behind you to see your demon friends, glaring at the stuff that tried to hurt you.

Daki whined,
" I can't believe they tried to hurt Y/n! Enmu is going to pay for this!"

You thought for a moment before instructing, wanting to cover more ground,
" Daki and Gyutaro, you protect the two carts beside us! Douma and Akaza, you go and help anyone who needs it and Kokushibo and Rui, you can stay with me,"

They all nodded with a hum before doing what they were told to do. You turned to Kokushibo, who was slicing the slimy tentacles in the blink of an eye. You exclaimed,
" If this train is a demon, then it has a head, any idea of where it may be?"

He nodded before pointing to the front of the train,
" It will be were the driver would sit, since it's the first bit of the train,"

You nodded before Rengoku appeared in front of you with a bright smile,
" Young Y/n! I'll help your demon friends whilst you try and decapitate the train demon!"

You ran off and reached the front of the train in seconds, leaving Rengoku with Kokushibo and Rui. You could trust him with them,  which was strange since he was a hashira.

You jumped onto the roof of the train to see Tanjiro and Inosuke combining their attacks to cut through the train. You watched as Tanjiro used Hinokomi Kagura to severe through the bone, and it worked.

This caused a large explosion to emerge as the train shook violently, the wheels loosing track of the rails on the ground. You watched as your friends got whizzed off the train like flies, which made you worry.

You used your telekinesis to bring them both close to you and wrap yourselves in a red force field that was created by your power. It wasn't enough but it softened the landing for you all a bit.

Wincing slightly, you got up to see Tanjiro injured on the floor. You noticed how he clutched his stomach in pain. Letting out a heavy sigh, you walked over before placing your hand on his wound, causing him to gasp at the pain.

His eyes met with yours, which calmed him in a way that could never be explained. A red glow emerged under your hand as it surrounded his stomach, his eyes widening when he felt the pain slowly fade away.

You kissed his cheek with a chuckle, the red glow dimming by the second,
" I told you to stay safe you big dummy,"

He sat up before smiling at you, loving the way you laughed. He pulled you into a tight hug, embracing you in a warm embrace as he rocked you side to side a little. He was glad that you was safe in his arms, not a single injury to be seen.

He kissed your forehead,
" I'm glad you're safe,"

You nodded before Rengoku walked over, being followed by your demon friends. They all ran over to you as Daki cried in worry,
" We were so worried! We thought you were crushed or something!"

Gyutaro sighed before patting her head to calm her down, which worked a bit. You pulled away from the hug before smiling at them with a chuckle.

Suddenly, a menacing and powerful aura was detected in the dust and mist of the night. You all turned to see a demon in sight. She had long, black hair and purple irises. Her skin was a light grey and she wore a dark blue kimono.

Your demon friends stepped in front of you protectively. You hadn't seen her in the infinity castle before. Was she new?

She scoffed at the sight,
" Are these all the filthy traitors? No wonder that man wasn't fond of you,"

Ignoring her insult, she smiled wickedly as she bowed, noticing the confused look on your face. She laughed, her purple eyes glowing like a flame in the night,
" How rude of me not to introduce myself,"

" I'm that man's soon to be wife, call me Takara ,"

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