Chapter 34

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" That man had given up on you, so he chose me to be his wife instead. He gave me five gallons of his blood and soon will be replaced as upper moon 1,"

She laughed before a flame was seen in her palm. She manipulated fire to move around her hands in an elegant way. You narrowed your eyes at her form, knowing that she was a flame demon.

You watched as she tried to attack you with a fire blast, but you stopped it by creating a telekinetic force field in front of you all. You stood up, glaring at the female demon as Rengoku stopped you from attacking.

You looked up at him in confusion, wondering why he stopped you from fighting,
" This is a powerful demon, leave it to the hashira,"

You nodded in response, knowing that you had to obey him either way. Takara examined his look before chuckling,
" A flame breather? Looks like I have some competition,"

You watched as they fought with the speed and elegance of a flame, their movements to fast to read. An unsettling feeling bubbled in your stomach, feeling as if something bad was going to happen.

You watched how fast she could generate, despite all the severe attacks Rengoku was casting amongst her. A few minutes into the fight, you noticed how Rengoku was getting slightly tired.

Despite his tiredness, he continued to battle her, the disturbing feeling inside growing more and more stronger. You watched how she stabbed him in the eye, but that didn't stop him from attacking.

Soon, the whole place was as bright as a nightlight, their bodies no where to be seen. Your eyes widened as you sensed her movement, knowing what was going to happen next. Your body moved on its own as you rushed into the scene, standing in front of Rengoku in a protective stance.

A sharp pain emitted in your stomach, a pain that you've never felt before. You saw Takara's eyes widen as the light dimmed down, your friend's eyes widening in shock and fear at the sight.

" Y/N!"

Takara impaled you with her arm, and it went right through you. She pulled her arm out, knowing that Muzan was going to be mad at her for killing you. She noticed the sun was coming up before running into the forest.

Tanjiro ran after her with tears in his eyes as he threw his katana towards her, impaling her in the shoulder. She winced before disappearing into sight, leaving his sword on the ground.

You coughed up blood as you fell to the floor, instantly being caught in Tanjiro's embrace. He sobbed, tears flowing down is cheeks like a waterfall,
" Please don't leave me, I can't lose anyone else,"

Your friends sobbed at the scene, their hearts broken that you were going to die. Your vision began to get blurry, your body begging you to shut down.

The last thing you heard was Tanjiro screaming your name.


You woke up to the sound of a heart monitor beeping. Your head throbbed in pain and your body ached like mad. You recalled what happened in the last mission, and you don't regret a single action.

You tried to get up, but regretted it since a horrible pain from your stomach coursed through your body. You glanced at your bandaged stomach before sighing heavily, you knew this was going to take a while to heal.

Hearing footsteps approach, you watched as a butterfly woman walked in, her eyes widening once she saw you staring back at her. She smiled at the sight before walking over.

She asked,
" How do you feel?"

You chuckled, leaning back against the pillow,
" Despite my headache and my body aching when I move, I'm fine,"

She wrote it down before smiling back up at you,
" I'll tell your friends you're awake,"

You thanked her before waiting for your friends. You couldn't imagine what Alluka was like when you were severely hurt, it's a miracle you were even alive.

You looked to see Tanjiro run in as fast as he could before gasping once he saw you awake. Tears pricked his eyes before running over and pulled you into a big hug. Your friends walked in, smiling in relief that you were okay.

He sobbed,
" You're alive, I thought, we thought we'd lost you! Please, never do that to us again,"

You chuckled and apologized before pulling away, wiping his tears with your sleeve before kissing his cheek. You heard Alluka scream your name as she ran into the room.

She jumped onto the bed before crying against your shoulder, being careful of the wound on your stomach. You just hugged her tightly until she stopped crying.

Tanjiro exclaimed.
" Y/n, you were in a coma for two months,"

You're eyes widened slightly at the information, which explained the hunger and dry throat. Alluka wiped her tears before jumping off the bed.

Shinobu walked into the room with a clipboard,
" Your vitals and blood pressure seem to be stable. Unfortunately, you're going to have to eat liquid food due to the severe damage of your organs. The predicted time for you to fully heal is around 4 months,"

You weren't happy about the fact that you had to eat liquid foods but it was better than nothing. Tanjiro pulled out a chair before sitting beside you, holding your hand in a firm grip as he stroked your hand with his thumb.

He spoke,
" I'm not leaving your side ever again,"

You smiled at him, grateful that you had him as a boyfriend before soon falling back asleep to rest. At least you saved someones life instead of taking it for once. You were grateful that you had everyone by your side to support you.

You will never be alone.

The runaway ( Tanjiro x fem reader )Where stories live. Discover now