Chapter 17

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You sighed in relief, knowing that the mission was over as you stepped outside the mansion. You inhaled, the cold breeze filling your lungs before exhaling.

You then noticed Zenitsu was being beaten by an angry boar man, who was ruthlessly kicking him and yelling. You noticed Zenitsu was protecting Nezuko's box, causing you to frown. You didn't like the way he's treating Zenitsu.

You threw him away with your telekinesis, a red light emitting in your hands. Zenitsu let out a scream of shock and terror from what you just did, he was confused. Your heartbeat was just like a human and there was no trace of you being a demon, so how could you have done that?"

You looked at Zenitsu, a shocked expression remained on his face,
" Are you okay?, Zenitsu,"

He slowly nodded as the boar guy ran over to you and kept yelling,

This guy was really getting on your nerves, you faced him and dodged his attacks, irritating him even more. Before he could land a hit on you, Tanjiro head butted him. Hard.

His boar mask was knocked off completely, revealing his features and a gash on his forehead from the impact. You were surprised by his attractive features. Zenitsu yelled in shock,

The boy, who introduced himself as Inosuke Hashibira, asked with a grin,
" What? You got something wrong with my face or something?"

You chuckled as you shook your head,
" No, it's just that you're quite attractive,"

Tanjiro felt a weird feeling in his stomach after you said that, as if rocks filled his stomach and weighed him down. He looked at Inosuke and knew you were right, he was an attractive guy.

Inosuke froze in place, his eyes widening for a split second before fainting and falling on the floor. You laughed, knowing it was from Tanjiro's attack.

You looked at Tanjiro and asked,
" How hard is your forehead? You just knocked a guy unconscious!"

He sweat dropped at the grin on your face, knowing you found it amusing. A ruffle in the bushes was heard, gaining their attention. They heard voices getting closer as you quickly ran in front of Tanjiro and Zenitsu protectively, knowing they're more injured than you are.

Four people walked out, wearing bizarre clothing. The oldest looking one was a boy around the age of 17 - 18, he had medium length blonde hair and wore a dark blue tabard with a golden design on the outlining. 

One wore a green outfit, shorts and a long sleeved top. He had spiky black hair and had a kind smile on his face.

One had fluffy white hair and wore a baggy long-sleeved, dark blue top and some shorts. The girl beside him, who looked slightly younger than him, had long black hair and wore  the traditional clothes of a Japanese shrine maiden, with boots and a headband adorned with emotional cartoon faces.

You couldn't help but feel like you know them somehow as you slowly lowered your guard. The girl looked at you, her ocean blue eyes widening before running over and hugged you tightly.

You looked at her, surprised as she sobbed into your chest,
" I've missed you so much Big sister!"

Confused, you looked down at her before Tanjiro let out a gasp of realization. He pulled out a picture from your pocket and handed it to you,
" It's your family! You couldn't remember them due to Muzan but now you know,"

You took the picture and gazed at it before your eyes widened and looked at them. You remembered now, you remembered them all. You hugged back with a smile,
" I've missed you to, Alluka,"

She smiled in happiness, thankful that you remembered her after so many years. She pulled away and held your hand, noticing how your hands are warm.

Killua walked over as you chuckled at him, ruffling his fluffy hair,
" Haven't seen you in a while, Killua,"

He looked at the floor, a shadow covering his eyes before he hugged you tightly. He missed the warmth you gave him when he hugged you, he kissed your presence and your scent.

He mumbled, loud enough for you to hear him,
" I've missed you too,"

You hugged back with a grin,
" Missed you to bud,"

He rolled his eyes at the nickname before pulling away. You introduced Tanjiro and Zenitsu to them before Inosuke woke up. You sighed, already fed up of his yelling as you all set off for the journey.

The runaway ( Tanjiro x fem reader )Where stories live. Discover now