Chapter 18

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A few miles away in the woods

A group stood there, discussing their next move. They aren't just any group, they're The Phantom Troupe, the most dangerous group to come across.

Feitan sighed heavily as he looked at Machi, an emotionless expression on his face,
" What do we do when we find Y/n Zoldyck? Do we kill her?"

Machi shook her head, crossing her arms and leaning against a tree,
" No, we're supposed to bring her back to the Boss. He wants her to join the group, if she doesn't want to then he'll do it by force,"

Nobunaga stood there with his fingers on his chin, humming in thought,
" That does make me wonder how powerful she is, she is a Zoldyck after all,"

Shalnark added, the usual bright smile plastered on his face,
" We also need to focus on this new world! We don't know the dangers that could possibly be here, we should stay on guard,"

The group nodded in agreement. They were curious about who you were and how powerful you were. The boss, Chrollo Lucifer, has been obsessed in finding you. He searched two weeks for someone who had the Nen ability to transport into different worlds and dimensions.

They began to walk down a clear pathway, deciding to try and get some answers about this place before finding you. Shalnark asked in curiosity,
" Do you think Y/n will be our friend? If we get to know her properly,"

Some members just shrugged as Franklin responded, not taking his eyes off the pathway,
" It depends, her friend is the chain user, so he might tell her who we are, or, she may already know who we are. Possibly not, since we might take her by force,"

Shizuku commented,
" It would be nice to have someone new on the team, after Pakunoda and Uvogin's death, it might cheer the place up a bit,"

The group went silent at the mention of their two friends, who were both killed by the chain user. Even though they caused havoc more than ever as a ceremony for Uvogin's loss, they still had the burning anger flaming inside of them.

Feitan stated,
" We should focus on the mission, the quicker we get it done the quicker we get home,"

A few minutes later, they arrived at a small town near the mountains, noticing some peoples gloomy aura, they decided to split up and ask questions.

They found out that a kind and loving family was murdered by demons, only three survivors left, The Kamado's. They also found out that you were accompanied with Tanjiro and Nezuko when leaving.

After half an hour of searching for answers, they gathered back together in an alley so nobody could overhear them. They told each other the information they got, wondering what demons are in this world.

Shalnark smiled brightly,
" Someone said a demon is a creature that only comes out of the night and eats people to get stronger,"

Machi commented,
" We should watch out for them then, it's nothing we can't handle,"

They then began to set off, following your tracks due to the rumors around the town. They wouldn't admit it, but this was the most fun job they've been assigned to. Even though it was obvious Shalnark was enjoying himself.

With you

You, Tanjiro and your friends were resting in a Wisteria house, their injuries needed to be healed before the next mission. Zenitsu, Inosuke and Tanjiro all had broken ribs. Thanks to your power, you fastened up the process slightly.

Gon was talking about the Hunter exam, when Killua and him first met. He laughed,
" Then Killua ripped this guys heart out without many problem in two seconds! It was amazing,"

Killua blushed in embarrassment, not used to all the compliments and talk about him. You chuckled at his reaction, ruffling his hair.

Zenitsu panicked, asking in a loud tone,

You sighed at his loud voice, knowing he'll never get over himself. Alluka yawned quietly as she crawled into your lap and fell asleep, her head resting on your shoulder.

Kurapika asked in curiosity,
" Are you a Hunter?"

You hummed in thought, trying to remember before nodding, a smile on your face,
" I became one at a young age, my parents still have my hunter's license, since they thought it was safer in their hands,"

Suddenly, the door to Nezuko's wooden box slowly opened, startling Zenitsu as he gripped onto Tanjiro in fear. Nezuko crawled out in her toddler form before returning to her normal height.

Kurapika, Gon and Killua looked at the girl in shock and awe, not expecting to be a fully grown person in there, especially when they can manipulate their height.

Nezuko spotted you before running over, she took a seat beside you before hugging your arm tightly, being careful not to wake up Alluka. You giggled as your patted her head, earning a hum of satisfaction from the girl.

Killua asked, wondering why Nezuko's aura was different from everybody else's in the room,
" Who's that? "

Tanjiro smiled at him,
" She's my sister, she's a demon but a nice one,"

Tanjiro explained what a demon was, which was new information for the three of them. Killua had more reasons to protect his two sisters, since you had been missing so long, he was determined to protect you even more.

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