Chapter 41

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At the butterfly estate

Alluka whined,
" Big brother! When is Big sister coming back? I and Nanika miss her,"

Killua sighed heavily at the constant repetitive question she was asking. She's been whining all day, nothing can distract her from the thought of you. He tried colouring with her, playing dead with her, everything.

Gon suggested with an excited grin,
" Why don't we go and meet them?! I'm sure they've slayed the demon by now,"

Alluka's eyes sparkled in excitement as she begged her brother. Killua sent Gon a small glare at his suggestion, knowing that you will be busy. He then glanced at Alluka's puppy eyes, causing him to sigh dramatically and gave in.

" We set of in an hour,"

" YAY!!!!!"


Meanwhile with the Troupe

Pakunoda, Shalnark, Illumi and Machi were getting ready to capture you at your mission. Unfortunately for Machi and Pakunoda, they had to dress up and put lots of make up on as a disguise, which wasn't exactly their thing.

They waved their goodbyes to the troupe before disappearing into the night.


Y/n's POV:

You were sat on the roof of a house before you facepalmed at Inosuke's desperate attempts to explain about the demon you both witnessed to Tanjiro. His arms were above his head, waving them around like a little kid,

Tanjiro sweat dropped at his actions before slowly nodding, trying to not be rude or judge Inosuke in anyway. Besides, he was used to his radical behaviour.

He chuckled nervously, trying to change the subject,
" Uzui and Zenitsu will be coming soon, "

Insouke just ignored him and continued to make and shape weird movements with his arms, still trying to convince Tanjiro about the demon and its period. Tanjiro just nodded with a nervous, smug expression.

" Zenitsu isn't coming,"

You both turned your direction to Uzui, who was sat on the edge of the roof with a serious look. His presence was unnoticeable until he spoke.

You and Tanjiro exchanged worried glances before he asked, in both worry and confusion,
" What do you mean Zenitsu is not coming?"

He responded whilst glaring down at the floor, you've never seen him so serious before,
" I feel bad now from putting you all through this. It seems I was so desperate to rescue my wives that I made some poor decisions regarding the mission. As it stands, Zenitsu is missing, there has been no contact since last night,"

You glared at the rooftop in frustration as you clenched your fists. The thought of one of your friends in danger angered you to the core. Tanjiro placed his hand over yours, noticing how your eyes were slowly turning red from your emotions. You looked at him before all the rage within faded instantly. He sent you a smile before keeping your hand in his.

You broke the silence,
" I think, by the aura and intensity of this demon, that it is an upper rank. I'm afraid that another upper rank has been replaced,"

Uzui sighed heavily, trusting your instincts,
" You three should leave, you're ranked to low for this, if you disappear they'll assume your dead,"

Uzui stood up, ignoring Tanjiro's requests for helping before he vanished without a trace. You sighed in frustration, causing Tanjiro to grip your hand slightly to calm you down. He can always tell what you were feeling due to his incredible smell.

You thought for a moment, ignoring the bickering between them both as you thought about the placement and strange gaps in the wall of the house. Once they calmed down you exclaimed,
" The demon is working from the inside, so it isn't spotted or suspected on anything, which means that the demon is likely disguised as a human,"

They were surprised at how fast you came up with the solution before nodding in response, mentally noting the information. You were told by Tanjiro that he still believes Uzui's wives and Zenitsu are still alive.

You couldn't help but feel like something more than a demon was coming, something bad. You suddenly heard a familiar voice whining in the streets, causing you to lean over to see who it was.

You nearly fell off the roof at the sight of who it was. Alluka, Killua, Kurapika and Gon are here! You face palmed in both frustration and anger. They knew it was dangerous since it was a mission and they still came. You wondered whether they wanted a death wish or not.

You jumped down without any problems and landed swiftly on the floor in front of them. Alluka's eyes sparkled with excitement as she ran over. She hugged you tightly, missing your warmth, not noticing the sharp glare you were giving Killua.

He chuckled nervously, knowing what happens if he made you mad. It wasn't pleasant at all. He could feel the tense atmosphere from a powerful presence, it was faint, but it remained looming the streets.

He regretted his decision of bringing Alluka here. He knew that this was no ordinary demon.

The runaway ( Tanjiro x fem reader )Where stories live. Discover now