Chapter 19

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The next day, after resting at the wisteria house, you and your friends were heading to their next mission. Your little sister, Alluka, hasn't stopped being by your side since you all reunited. She even slept in the same futon as you last night.

As you all arrived at your next destination, it was a tall, eerie mountain that was surrounded by a forest. The clouds were dark and dull, making the scenery more eerie.

You narrowed your eyes at the mountain, a powerful and familiar aura was radiating inside. You glanced at Alluka, your big sister side showing as you knelt down to her height,
" Alluka, I want you to stay here with Gon, I don't want you and Nanika to get hurt. These demons are not meant to be messed with,"

She gave you a sad expression, looking down at the floor and nodding, agreeing with what you said. She wanted to come with you and help, but she knew she had to stay behind, she didn't know what she was up against.

She hugged you tightly, tears pricking her eyes,
" Okay, but please be safe, I don't want to lose you again,"

You nodded, hugging back as you turned to Gon. He seemed to notice what you were going to request as he gave you a smile, he was willing to stay behind to protect and look after Alluka.

You kissed Alluka on the forehead,
" Wait for me okay, we won't be long,"

She nodded before you, Tanjiro, Inosuke and Killua ran into the woods. Zenitsu was trembling in fear, who was sat on the pathway, crying his eyes out. You didn't want to leave him, but you all knew he would slow you down.

Time skip

After several attacks from other injured demon slayers, you came to the conclusion that you were dealing with lower moon 5, Rui. You explained to them that the spider webs were controlling them, this was caused by a spider demon.

You sensed a presence above you, causing you to look up, Tanjiro followed your actions to see Rui balancing on a spider web. He held an emotionless expression, but his aura radiated annoyance and anger. He broke the silence,
" Stay away from my family, you're disturbing the peace,"

You know all of Rui's background and why he wants to build his demon family, you would be lying if you said you didn't feel sympathy towards the demon. In fact, trapped in the same place made a small connection grow in both of you, it may be faint but it's there.

He then walked away, causing you to grab Tanjiro's hand and run after him. You were to focused on Rui that you didn't know you were splitting up from Killua and Insosuke, who didn't dare, he was to busy having fun killing and cutting spider webs.

Rui stopped in his tracks, realising you both were fast enough to follow him. He turned around, glaring at you both. His eyes softened slightly when they met your gaze but turned back to their usual sour look.

He began to shoot webs at you both, they were strong enough to slice through metal. You stepped in front of Tanjiro, your hands glowing as you used your telekinesis to block the attack. One web managed to escape, creating a small, deep cut on your cheek.

You tapped the wound, wincing slightly as blood dripped down your cheek. You just glared at Rui, not noticing Tanjiro getting annoyed and angry that Rui hurt you.

He shot more webs than before, but this time activate his blood demon art. The webs turned red in a pure second as the speed of the attack increased. You were about to block the attack again but Nezuko jumped out of the box and blocked it. Resulting her arm nearly getting cut off in the process.

You and Tanjiro ran behind a tree as you used your telekinesis to keep her arm together, it was close to falling off.

Rui exclaimed,
" If you want to survive then give me Y/n and that girl, they'll be a great sister figure in the family. Besides, my master has been desperate to find Y/n,"

You looked at him from beside the tree, increasing your power to make Nezuko's arm heal faster, which was working,
" Don't you see Rui? You're supposed to treat your family members with trust and respect, they aren't supposed to be driven by fear. I always looked up to you as a younger brother when being held captive and I know you know that to,"

His eyes widened slightly, letting his guard down. His lips trembled slightly as he fought back a sob as you held your arms out to him. You stated,
" Stop fighting and come here already,"

He ran towards you in an instant, hugging you tightly as he finally felt the warmth and love from a true big sister figure. Tears pricked his eyes, happiness taking over him.

Tanjiro smiled at the sight before noticing Nezuko's arm had healed faster than it should off, thanks to you and your power.

Your eyes widened as you sensed another presence charge at you both, it was a human aura and was quite strong. Due to you hugging Rui, you couldn't block the attack fast enough. Thankfully, Tanjiro blocked the attack with his katana, glaring at the person who was about to attack before realising who it was.

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