Chapter 14

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Meanwhile with Killua

Mitsuri was sat at the table with Gon and his friends, silence between the five. Alluka was munching on some food as Gon enjoyed his drink.

Mitsuri wanted to tell them something but she was holding it back, and Killua sensed she was. It was irritating him slightly that she was not asking the thing she wanted to.

He sighed heavily, breaking the silence,
" Is there something you want to say? You've been holding something back for a while,"

She gave him a surprised expression before nodding slowly as she stared at her tea, hesitating to say, but she knew she'd have to tell them sooner or later.

She broke the silence, not wanting to make eye contact,
" My master wants to see you, he's intrigued on how you have survived this long without help or a home. He'll be only asking a few questions,"

Killua stared at his food, his eyes filled with no emotion. He was suspicious and cautious about this master dude, he also didn't want to spill out to much information since his trust still hasn't successfully come completely.

Alluka asked, a smile plastered on her face,
" Will he be able to help find big sister?"

Mitsuri giggled at her cuteness before replying, returning the smile to the young girl,
" My master is the leader of the demon slayer corps, he has lots of slayers out there. I'm sure he can give your sister's description out to them for them to look out for her,"

Alluka began to cheer happily as she began to eat more of her food. She was excited to see you again, it's been a while since she had last seen you. She had been craving for your hugs and warm embraces, she missed you a LOT.

Kurapika was staring at his plate, seemed to be deep in thought. He asked, not taking his gaze away from the plate,
" When will this be?"

Mitsuri hummed in thought, trying to remember when it was as she stared at the wall. She remembered before answering his question,
" Tomorrow, that's also when you'll see my other friends! Who are also hashiras,"

The next day, they all got ready together before heading towards the hashira meeting, Alluka was skipping happily, humming tunes to herself as she held Killua's hand. He was cautious over his friends since his trust issues weren't that great.

They arrived at the meeting to see some more people stood, waiting for their master. Killua inspected their designs and characteristics, it was weird but cool and unique.

A woman with a butterfly pin in her hair looked towards them, her smile never leaving her face,
" Mitsuri, are these the four you were on about?"

Mitsuri nodded as she introduced them. A guy with scars all over his body narrowed his eyes at them suspiciously before speaking up, gaining everyone's attention,
" How do you know we can trust them? For all we know they could be spies from Kibutsuji!"

Killua just rolled his eyes at his scenario, placing his free hand in his pocket,
" Hey fish face, we're not demons and we certainly wouldn't have the brains to work for a pathetic lunatic like him. So do us all a favour and shut the hell up,"

Everyone chuckled as a guy with black hair and had a snake around his neck commented,
" I like this one,"

Footsteps were heard on the deck as they looked to see two twins helping a man to walk forwards, they both spoke in unison,
" The master of the mansion, has returned,"

Everyone bowed in respect, the four copied them to show respect. The dude exclaimed,
" I've heard from Mitsuri that she's found four young teenage children on their own without any food, hospitality and care, am I correct?"

Mitsuri nodded with a hum,
" Yes master,"

The master, who was called Oyakata, responded, a gentle smile on his face,
" I'm quite curious on how you survived when there's a bunch of demons traveling around and eating people, "

Killua shrugged, playing the innocent roll of the act,
" You know, just the usual hunting and stealing stuff, no big deal,"

Gon added, his usual bright smile on his face,
" We can also fight really good! We don't even need weapons to fight! "

Kurapika and Killua facepalmed at his energetic behaviour, they were expecting something like this to happen but they thought he would be smart enough not to spill information. I guess they were wrong.

Oyakata hummed in response before speaking up again,
" That's quite interesting, if it's okay with Mitsuri, I'd like her to look after you and give you shelter, "

Mitsuri nodded, a blush dusted her cheeks due to excitement as a little squeal came out of her mouth,
" Yes! I mean, of course master,"

The pillars chuckled quietly at her random outburst of excitement. They knew she loved to look after and care for kids, even if they wasn't biologically hers.

After the meeting, they went back to the love estate, hoping that they'll soon find you soon.

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