Chapter 30

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A man depressingly walked to everyone and stamped their tickets, his face miserable looking, almost emotionless. You narrowed your eyes at him in suspicion, you had a bad feeling about him.

He stamped your ticket as the lights flickered in response. You sensed the aura in the room change to a much heavier and demonic one. You looked at Rengoku to see he was now more serious which told you that he could sense the same thing as you.

Rengoku stood up, revealing his sword,
" Conductor, my apologies for the sword, but there is a reason, so please keep it a safe distance,"

The lights turned off for a split second before switching back on, to see the most ugliest demon you've ever encountered. It was very tall and had horns sticking out of his arms and head with his face all mushed up.

Rengoku chuckled, clearly not having a dash of fear within him,
" What a giant. Dod you use your Blood Demon Art? It was difficult to detect you,"

You watched as he pulled his sword out whilst threatening the demon. The demon just roared at him in response, irritated by the flame hashira.

Your eyes turned from their beautiful E/C colour to a red colour as dark as blood. You lifted the demon up with your telekinetic power, your hands being surrounded by a red glow in the process.

This gave Rengoku the chance to slay and decapitate the demon, which he did with ease. His body was surrounded by flames as the wind in the air increased. Your three friends watched in awe and admiration at his breathing technique.

Your eyes turned to their normal colour as the red around your hands faded. Rengoku turned to you, the smile never leaving his face,
" Well done Y/n! Thank you for the help, it made it much easier!"

You nodded with a smile as the people on the train ran away from fear. Another demon was present, the saliva dripping from its gaping jaw was disgusting.

Hungrily, It hovered over a man, his eyes full of hunger and  bloodlust. You glared at the demon as Douma prepared his fans with an excited grin. He hasn't killed anything or anyone in a while and he couldn't wait to see blood spill again.

Your demon friends stood beside you, including Rui and Kokushibo, who were in their normal height. They made sure they were close to you in case anything tried to attack you. They were determined to protect you at all cost.

Rengoku informed, his voice threatening yet he still kept a smile on his face,
" You will not lay a finger on that man! Let me make this clear. Your opponent stands before you now,"

Zenitsu was hid behind a train seat, his body shaking with fear,
" What is that thing? It's arms look so freaking long!"

Inosuke being Inosuke, he charged towards the demon with full strength, not even being stealthy. He ignored Tanjiro's warnings and battled the demon. This resulted in him being punched, making him fly into a chair.

Before the demon could hurt the civilian, Daki jumped and picked him up with inhuman speed. The man blushed at the gorgeous woman who just saved his life.

She placed him down before walking back over to you. You smiled at her,
" Good job,"

The demon's legs covered most of the room on the other side of the train. It was like a giant mosquito. Rengoku ran towards him at a fast pace before a large circle of fire appeared, decapitating the demon in a split second.

Tanjiro fangirled over his breathing techniques, soon enough him, Zenitsu and Inosuke were his Tsugukos'.

You saw the smile on Tanjiro's face, it was pure happiness and excitement. It made you smile to see him be so happy, you knew he always held in his pain to make others not worry. His fake smells never deceive you.

Suddenly, you felt really tired all of a sudden to the point were your body felt weak. You sat on the chair beside Tanjiro before leaning on his shoulder. You tried to command your body to stop it, but it was impossible. Sooner or later, everyone was fast asleep.


The conductor ran in fear as he tripped over his own feet. He knelt down on all fours, his face sweating like he had just ran a marathon. He felt sick to the stomach from how anxious he was, afraid that he will kill him.

He exclaimed, his voice shaking,
" As ordered, I put them all to sleep, sir. Now please, do the same to me as well, won't you? Let me be reunited with my dead wife and daughter!"

A single hand dropped from the single with a mouth and eyeball on the hand. It was as pale as a vampire and had pale blue nails.

The hand practically smirked,
" Certainly, you did a fine job. Now sleep forever,"

The man looked like he had been shot as he collapsed to the floor, never to be awoken again.

" Excuse me. What would you like from us?"

The hand turned to see nine teenagers with emotionless expressions sat there. The hand responded,
" Those who are sleeping now will sink even deeper. Wait here until then. A few demon hunters will sometimes wake unexpectedly from a sensing a demon. So be very careful when you are tying them up that you do not directly touched their bodies,"

The plan activated as they each had a person each to deal with in order to be put into an endless dream. They were willing to do anything.

The runaway ( Tanjiro x fem reader )Where stories live. Discover now