Chapter 12

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You felt a shiver go down your spine through the conversation as you looked over at the wall, sensing a presence of two demons. It was like a wave of shivers washed over you.

That's when you realised that you guys weren't alone. You yelled,
" Everyone get down!"

They did as you said as Tanjiro hovered over Nezuko for protection and Yushiro did the same with Tamayo. Kokushibo got what you meant before pulling you into an embrace, protecting you.

A few temari balls came crashing in, bouncing in every direction with a lot of force. The wood of the house broke like pencils as dust surrounded the room like a sandstorm.

The attacks cleared as you all looked outside to see two demons. You recognized them as soon as you saw them. Usually you would see them taking orders from Muzan for more blood, and you knew they will be doing this for more of his blood.

Susamaru threw a temari bowl as it aimed towards Yushiro. He dodged it before you remembered something,
" Yushiro they don't move -!"

You were to late, you watched as a temari ball hit him in the head, decapitating him completely. His body fell in Tamayo's grasp as you felt anger build inside of you.

You looked at Nezuko, who's eyes were slits and were growling at the demons,
" Nezuko, there's another demon in the tree, go after him,"

She nodded with a hum before running towards the blossom trees and jumping on branch to branch before kicking him in the face.

You watched as Tanjiro tried to cut the temari ball, but it didn't work. It pulled itself of the katana by another force and began to bounce around again. You quickly wrestled Tanjiro to the ground as a ball was about to hit him in the head.

He sighed in relief as he thanked you with a kind smile, you nodded,
" You and Kokushibo take down Susamaru, I'll help Nezuko,"

He nodded as you ran to help Nezuko. She was doing fine but also struggling at the same time. You noticed he was about to kick her, you quickly ran and caught his leg before punching him in the face, hard.

Nezuko hummed as a ' thank you' as you continued to fight. Your hands glowed red as you lifted him in the air using your telekinetic power. Nezuko took this as a chance to kick him in the stomach, sending him flying and crashing into a tree.

Tanjiro was being thrown about in the air with the Temari balls but managed to decapitate Yababa. You walked over to Tanjiro and helped him up,
" Are you okay?"

You gave him a concerned expression as he nodded, wincing slightly in pain. You knew some of his bones were broken and you were planning on healing him later.

Nezuko and Susamaru began to kick the ball back and forth at each other, kicking with a lot of force each time. As they carried on, Susamaru began to get weaker and weaker compared to Nezuko, soon Nezuko won.

You cheered in an excited tone,
" Yes girl!"

Yushiro came over to you two and placed a cloth over your mouth and nose,
" Tamayo's spell is quite harmful to humans,"

You about to tell him you were demon when Tamayo asked Susamaru,
" Do you have any idea who Kibutsuji really is?"

Sususamri shouted,
" What the hell are you saying?!"

Tamayo responded with her usual kind and calming voice,
" He's a coward, surely you've realized that? He's in a constant state of fear,"

Tamayo activated her spell as it began to affect Susamaru, soon she accidentally spilled out his name, activating the curse he had on her. She began to beg for mercy as Kokushibo covered your eyes from behind, not wanting you to see the gruesome scene.

You watched as she dissolved to ashes, you had to admit you did feel sorry for her. You remembered Tanjiro's injuries before walking over to him, he was on the floor due to his broken leg.

You knelt down before stating,
" I'm going to try and make this healing process quick, okay?"

He nodded as you sighed, concentrating on the broken leg as your hand glowed a bright red light around it. You watched as the light wrapped around his leg with a firm grip, but not strong enough to hurt him that much.

He winced as he felt the bones in his legs slowly go back into place, the pain began to slowly fade as the light healed his bruises and wounds across his body.

Soon, the light faded as you exclaimed,
" It's not completely healed, but it's better enough for you to walk and fight with it,"

He thanked you again with a bright and thankful smile as you helped him up. You then walked over to Yushiro and crossed your arms,
" You do realizing I'm a demon? I told you that, I'm not a human,"

Yushiro shook his head,
" You aren't a demon, your aura and scent are human, whoever told you that lie is stupid,"

You were speechless, you were human this entire time! Confusion spiked inside you along with with slight irritation as Tanto asked,
" Have you not been taking any medicine, pills, sweets lately?"

You thought for a moment before you used to take a pill every night before bed at the base. It was an order from Kibutsuji and would get pissed off if you didn't take it.

You nodded,
" Yeah, Muzan used to give me pills every night before bed,"

She hummed in thought before responding,
" It seems like Muzan has been manipulating you into thinking you're a demon. I'm sorry but you're human and the side affects of the last pill are showing,"

You couldn't get any angrier than you were right now. You've just found out you've been lied to the whole time. You thanked her as you and Tanjiro looked at each other and shrugged.

Soon you both set off for the next mission.

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