Most Valuable Playmaker

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Emery + Pierre


Starting a new job in a new town is hard enough, especially when your coworker is a sexist jerk who can't take a hint. To make matters worse? My brother-in-law's teammate just can't accept the fact that I don't find him attractive, and maybe he's right to not believe me.

Pierre Dubois is the tall, sexy, French-speaking hockey player who has had more girls in his bed than grains of sugar in his coffee. I use his man bun (ick) as my excuse to lie to myself about how he makes me feel, but the truth is he's the hottest man I've ever seen.

The problem is, I can't trust him. He's not just a playmaker, but a player. And I can't afford to get my heart broken again.


(The sequel to Most Valuable Parent)

Chapters 1 & 2 OUT NOW!!!

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