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Yes! Here it is, the sequel to MLP meets RQ-

I'm meant to do the notes, not you.

Can I be in the first chapter at least?

We'll see- Anyway, here it is, the sequel to MLP meets RQ! I'm now in the process of copying and pasting over the chapters I've done so far. At the time of writing this, I haven't finished the story, so expect updates :)

There may be a third franchise that may appear, but what will it be? You'll have to wait and see. (Hint, he was sort of in the last story, but at the very end). That is all I will say.

What you have in mind isn't little, also isn't this meant to be a short note?

If you don't be quiet, I won't put you in the first chapter.

Okey dokey lokey! I'm gonna be quiet now.

Sorry about that everyone, anyway, enjoy reading! Any reviews you wish to type, please do, any review is welcome. If you really like any of the chapters, vote them as well (Not mandatory :D but I would like them).
A few month had past since Madness Steve's reform. Calmness Steve, who was Madness Steve, kept watch over everything. Same with Origin Steve and the First Curse, they're watching over everything too. Origin Steve took more interest in the ponies as he wanted to know them better while the First Curse took more interest with the steves as he weren't too interested in the ponies, for now.

As for your regular steve and pony, they were thriving. The steve population had begun to explode in numbers. Trade was plentiful, and the economy was booming in growth, for all the kingdoms as well as Equestria. Many friendships between steves and ponies had formed. Overall, the unification between steves and ponies was a great success.

It is the morning, and Sabre is outside fishing on the spruce pier area that's outside his house, in the Steve Village. With him is Time Steve and Elemental Steve. Time Steve has his original coat on, afraid of ruining the coat his friends made for him, which he safely keeps in the Time Dimension.

"I caught another one!" Elemental Steve said loudly as he reels in a pufferfish.

"That's like... the thirteenth pufferfish now," Sabre responded.

"So, out of the ponies, who'd you say you're closest to? Never thought to ask that," Time Steve asked Sabre and his brother.

"Uh... I'd say Derpy, we been through similar stuff. Us two just have... quite a lot in common. She is really kind as well, very kind. Twilight I also talk to a bit, but she's really busy though and don't really get to talk to her. She isn't just running just a kingdom, but a whole nation. Both Twilight and Derpy I get on with really well, but me and Derpy are closer. I also really get on with the CMC. Had to take them to this fair recently in Appleloosa a few days ago, and they're really kind overall as well," Sabre replied.

"There's a few I've started speaking to at this School of Friendship thing, but I'm still trying to remember everyone's names," Elemental Steve lightly chuckled.

"For me, Rarity and Doctor Whooves. Doctor knows time stuff. Rarity knows coat stuff," Said Time Steve. Sabre lets out a little chuckle.

"Yeah, I can see that Ti-" Something pushed Sabre into the water, creating a massive splash, then ripples get sent throughout the water.

"Oh my- I'm so sowry Sabre!" A grey pony head with a blonde mane pops out of the water.

"Ah, hey Derpy." By now, Sabre got used to Derpy accidently crashing into him. Sabre understood Derpy couldn't help it sometimes.

My Little Pony meets Rainbow Quest: The sequelWhere stories live. Discover now