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"What's that groaning noise?" Apple Bloom wondered.

"Oh no..." The Violet Leader trembled.

"What's going on?" Granny Smith questioned both the Green and Violet Leader.

"They're here!" The Green Leader exclaimed. The Violet Leader opens the barn doors, and Apple Bloom could only shake. She remembers being taught about the beings in her school, but never did she think she'd ever encounter one, let alone a horde.

"D... d- Demon Steves!?"

"You two, get her out and stay behind us!" The Green Leader barked out orders as the Violet Leader got put his longbow and starts shooting arrows, while the Green Leader stays close, getting out his spear, with a very sharp shiny tip made of pure emeralds, piercing any demon that got too close. Apple Bloom and Granny Smith trots over to Applejack. Granny Smith picks up Applejack's 8 apples and puts them in a brown bag while Apple Bloom helps her big sister up.

"What deh ye think yer doin' there ya sweet appawl!?" Applejack yelled.

"It's okay sis, it's okay..." Apple Bloom wept, just about on the brink of crying. The big sister she looked up to so much has been reduced to an earth pony who's mental health is deteriorating more as time goes by.

"Hurry! We can't hold this for long!" The Violet Leader yelled as he shoots more arrows. The Green Leader is having to hit the Demon Steves more and more with his spear, and even resorted to using lightning. But the swarm of Demon Steves just continues to get closer. But Apple Bloom, Granny Smith and Applejack make it out of the barn doors.

"Okay, now run!" The Violet Leader yelled as he steps back but continues shooting arrows. The Green Leader stays right until the 3 earth ponies gathered at least a distance of at least 25 metres/blocks. After they did, both the leaders starts running. All of a sudden, Granny Smith felt a jolt of pain in all 4 of her knees as they next make contact with the ground. Her knee joints have given way, due to her advanced age. Granny Smith shrieked as she fell, faceplanting onto the ground.

"Grandma- NO!" Apple Bloom screamed as she began trotting to her now unconscious grandma. The Green and Violet Leader turn around while Applejack continues blindly running.

"Come on, get UP!" Apple Bloom couldn't lift her grandma up all on her own. The yellow filly even tries dragging her out of desperation, but the Demon Steves are approaching faster than Apple Bloom could drag Granny Smith.

"We need to go!" The Violet Leader yelled.

"I'm not leaving her! I rather die helping!" Apple Bloom snapped as tears of frustration soaks her cheeks. All her strength and stamina for what could've been used to run away has been used up in trying to help Granny Smith. She looks as the approaching demons starts wielding out netherite swords. Apple Bloom closes her eyes, knowing she at least tried.
Apple Bloom then hears the sound of magic not just once, but twice, both in very quick succession. Apple Bloom opens her eyes and notices she's on a fast-moving wooden cart with Granny Smith and Applejack. She looks at the front to see who's trotting at this speed with the combined weight on the cart. She could recognize that big red stallion from a mile away.

"Big Mac!?"

"Eeeeyup!" He yelled back.

Then she hears that same magical sound again 6 more times. The Green and Violet Leader are now on the wooden cart, along with an orange pegasus filly and a white unicorn filly.

"Sweetie Belle! Scootaloo!" Apple Bloom and the orange filly hugs briefly before letting go. But the white filly could barely keep sitting upright, let alone getting up on a fast-moving cart and lifting a forehoof up to hug.

My Little Pony meets Rainbow Quest: The sequelWhere stories live. Discover now