Completing The Loop

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"And we're here. Off you go," The Doctor walks Time Steve, Twilight and Derpy to the outside of the TARDIS. The oblong blue box is outside of Derpy's tree home.

"This is where we seperate- For now," Said the Doctor.

"What do you mean?" Derpy asked.

"I know it all now- he's a coming," The Doctor replied.

"Will we meet with you again?" Time Steve questioned.

"Yes, but not with this face you won't. Now, this is a goodbye," The Doctor replied as he closes the doors.

"What a shame, I was really liking the guy. He was an interesting one," Time Steve sulked to himself.


The Doctor turns around once he closed the doors. As he did, he finds that he isn't in his TARDIS. The background is completely white and has a tiny hint of yellow. He knows exactly where he is, and there is a figure he immediately recognizes, a glowing figure.

"Origin..." The Doctor walks slowly to the powerful entity, looking into their eyes.

"Doctor," Origin Steve replied back calmly, looking at the time travelling being back in the eyes.

"You did it, you've done what you needed to do, in your current life that is. But your part in this timeline is not over just yet. Something tells me that, but I can't quite tell what it is. You know what's to come more than I do, I can tell."

"I know, I seen the future events. Times ahead will be rough. But you can do it I know you can," The Doctor responds back in a cool, quiet tone.

"Good, I'm pleased to hear that," Origin Steve nodded.

"I see everything makes sense to you now, does it not?" Origin Steve inquired.

"It does, it makes sense now. And you, you know that you have to fight him sooner or later, don't you?" The Doctor inquired back.

"I do, yes, and I imagine he is preparing for the perfect moment to strike. I have accepted he hasn't changed for the better. He only sided with me and the others, purely because of the threat Madness Steve posed to him. Now, I feel disgusted that I was oblivious to his intentions," Origin Steve replied.

"I've made far worse mistakes, Origin," The Doctor responds to Origin Steve's reply.

"I made bad mistakes too, I can relate to you somewhat in that regard. All we can do is move forward, and do better. The past is the past, and we have to accept we cannot undo our actions, because those actions we've made, they mould us into who we are. You are the Doctor, because of your actions, both good and bad. I am Origin Steve, because of my actions, both good and bad. But, we can reshape the future, and evolve our mind, and strive to do better," Origin Steve replied back, with the Doctor nodding to everything Origin Steve is saying. The Doctor begins to turn around.

"Wait," Said Origin Steve.

"Will I see you again?"

"Yes, but not with this face..."



The Doctor is about to regenerate. He undoes his tie and pulls it off. He then let's it go and drops it on the metal floor. He looks at Clara for one last time, then closes his eyes. But nothing happens, and he reopens his eyes in confusion.

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