Backgrounds Of Doctor Whooves

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Derpy had been periodically hovering around the outside of her house for a few hours, scanning every inch of her premises for Demon Steves. Her house is in a tree, which she recently moved into, mainly because with the leaves of the tree, it looks like a muffin as well as to help herself and Dinky move on from Madness Steve. Both of them have been scarred by what he done to them. This tree is separated from all other the other trees, only a flat land with grass surrounding the tree. All the windows are able to be looked out of, thick long green leaves covers them. On the tree stump are 2 rails for a ladder, which is lifted up off the ground for obvious reasons. This leads to the entrance onto the house, a trapdoor. In the middle, there is a balcony that extends out of the leaves. The balcony also happen be in the shape of a muffin.

"Uh, Derpy? I don't think they're coming," Doctor Whooves stated, who is out on the wooden muffin-shaped balcony.

"I wefuse to let anything happen to Dinky again!" Derpy yelled.

"I could keep a look out while uh... you keep check on Dinky. You been flying around for hours and I don't want you to hurt yourself." Derpy eventually gives in, hovering down onto the balcony and sits, sighing as she looks down, closing her eyes.

"I just don't want Dinky to go through what she did again... am I too pawonoid, Doc?"

"No, what you're doing is your duty as a mother," Doctor Whooves replied firmly, gently tilting up Derpy's head so she's looking at him. The grey pegasus shuffles until she's right next to Doctor Whooves, to his right. She leans left, and Doctor Whooves puts his right forehoof around Derpy.

"I- Thank you..." Derpy sighed.

"It's okay, I'm by your side, always," Doctor Whooves said gently.

"I- I- I mean it... thank you, for evwething..."

"Hello? I believe Doctor Whooves is here?" Derpy remembers that voice, she swore she could at least. Derpy opens her eyes and trots to the edge, now looking down over the balcony. There is Sabre, but it's not just him.

"Doctor!? Not the pony doc- But- But THE Doctor!?"

"Yep, that's me," The Doctor replied.

"I actually not been to your house. It looks really nice, can't wait to see the inside," Sabre stated.

"Oh uh- Yeah- Let me just get the ladder down," Derpy responded back, walking back into her house. Sabre and the Doctor notice the trapdoor above being opened and ladder slowly being lowered.

"So uh, Sabre, I heard of you, but where were you from exactly? You are not from here or this overworld where the steves are from? No?" The Doctor asked.

"No, I just ended up in the overworld and met steves. Then, me and the steves met these ponies," Sabre answered.

"How exactly did the steves and Equestria meet?" The Doctor asked.

"Well, Madness Steve happened and we reformed him to Calmness Steve," Sabre replied.

"Ah, right, that'll be why," The Doctor shuddered.

"You... knew of him?"

"Yes, and if anything is worse than the Daleks, it's him. At least the Daleks just kill you on the spot instead of prolonging pain, I suppose..." The Doctor answered as he shudders again.

"Well we reformed him so-"

"Good, because I don't want to go through what I went through ever again," The Doctor replied very firmly.

"The ladder is down," Derpy shouted from above. Sabre and the Doctor started climbing up. Derpy steps back, away from the trapdoor, so the 2 could get up, into the house.
"Woah, this is a very lovely house Derpy," Sabre said slowly, with a calm and relaxed voice, just looking around the inside of the house once he got to the top of the ladder. There is 4 smooth wooden cylinder in each except a single corner, with one corner is a kitchen area, the corner that's to the left as you would come up the ladder. That corner is made of stone completely, and there's a metal pipe above a wide stove, so all the steam and heat escapes through there. There is also a white fridge that is right in that corner, around 6 feet tall.

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