Worried, But Prepared

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It is now the next day, the start of a day that will go down as the largest battle ever fought, for both Equestria's and steve history. After days of assaults by Demon Steves, they've been pushed back, and none are remaining in Equestria. They have been confined to a cave, which according to Red Steve intelligence, is where the Demon Steves have been coming out of. It is being watched over by Light Steve and Shining Armour. They are accompanied by their elites.

Light Steve's main elites are Yellow Steve with the leather chestplate, Happy Orange Steve and Weaponsmith Red Steve. Despite what happened to Yellow and Orange with the Daleks, they're ready for battle. They are able to fight as far as they're concerned. Shining Armour has more elites than Light Steve, but his most trusted elite is Flash Sentry. Shining Armour currently has 5 elites with him.

Everybody has gathered outside in a snowy tundra, with mountains ahead, towering over them. All except the blue chromatic races of steves are present, with the exception of the Blue Leader. As well as the steves and ponies, the changelings and yaks have come to join for what will be a gigantic battle including their respective leaders, Thorax and Rutherford. The Demon Steves meanwhile are preparing for what will be their last stand.
Sabre and Colle are away from the main group. The 2 have been sharing their worries. Both have fought the demons before.

"Wait- You're the guy who defeated Void when he came back... aren't you?" Colle asked.

"Twice, actually- Well, the second time, gotta give credit to Time and Dark for their part too. The second time, Void came back as a demon, so Time had to reverse his state back to remove his immortality," Sabre explained.

"Yeah... I had to fight him. I knew him... when he was still just a Blue Steve-"

"Wait wait wait- You fought Void- Does this mean- You're the Second Hero!? I met... I met you, in the world beyond, but you didn't show yourself- What? I'm confused now," Sabre is left very confused. He didn't know that Colle was the Second Hero.

"Yeah... I got destroyed, and Origin revived me. As I couldn't move on... Professor made a clone of me- I assume you meet my clone. So he's no longer alive? I'm happy someone found my clone to be of some use," Colle replied.

"So the first steve I ever met was a clone!? HUH- Y'know, it doesn't matter- Let's move on," Sabre responded. His mind can't process this topic without losing his sanity.

"The main issue will be that big dragon. The Last Inferno, me and a few leaders went after it when we were fighting it... only I came out alive. We eventually took it down though- But it's gonna be a huge problem," Colle shared.

"Oh... that sounds... awful. I'm sorry you had to see that. I know what it's like when you feel powerless. We all feel powerless when we can't handle the situation at hand," Sabre replied.

"But me and my other friends had to deal with Madness. These are just a bunch of demons. I like to think of it like that... it makes me less worried, if you get what I mean," Sabre added.

"Yeah I understand where you're coming from- I heard the different things Madness has done, and... and he sounds horrifying! I don't know why some of us remember him and some don't, because me and my other friends only know about him because of what you guys told us about him," Colle wondered, scratching his head.

"Probably Calmness trying to keep the balance in the timeline- I don't know- Time physics is too confusing man," Sabre responded. Colle nodded in agreement.

"Hey Sabre- Who are you talking to-" Professor Red walks over to Sabre, then looks at Colle. Colle?


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