Hypno Steve's Return

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"Maybebebe thisbethisbe mysteryeyeyewewe guesteryeryryry Discordordordordord mentionedordordtionedndndwnwn canananwnwnwn helpcanelplplp ahwhwh hawahah HA HA HAWAHA HAWAHAHA HAWAHWAH HAWHAHWAHWAWAH! Ohwohwohwh howohowowow I'm so lookinginging forwardardingardwardwrd to gotogowowo backtogototowowrwr to hatingtoingingng totowowo workrkrkrk withithithrkththth allwlwlwlwl ofofovovwvwv youyouwuwu!"

Lightning summons in front of Sabre, Genesis Steve, Time Steve and Rainbow Dash. A red figure with purple marks over their body manifests. They had no mouth or nose, only a single red eye with black outlines, which is outlined with black. Everybody takes a step back in shock, while Sabre leaps off of Rainbow Dash and steps forward to the familiar figure.

"Hypno!? Where... have you... BEEN!? We haven't seen you in many MONTHS!"

"Whenenen Twilightightightight sentightentwntwntnt youyouyouwuwu andandandwndnd Doctor Whoovesoovesoveswvswvs backackackwck inininwnwnwn timetimeimewm, Iiyiyiyi alsoalsolsowowo followedowedowedowed," Hypno Steve replied to Sabre.

"You- what!? Are you insane!?" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

"I did so, to reflect on my life. I saw myself again, who I used to be... and I could foresee my original fate. But the Doctor intervened, and I do not know what awaits me now," Hypno Steve stated.

"What do you mean... reflecting on yourself, of your past?" Genesis Steve asked.

"We've meet before many times Genesis. I sound familiar, do I not?" Hypno Steve replied, without any echo or any distortion, but very flat and normal.

"No... you're not... what happened to you!?" Genesis Steve took a step back in shock. From that moment, Genesis Steve knew immediately, that Hypno Steve, was the Red Leader he last saw. He last saw the Red Leader after the Doctor intervened and saved him and the Red Leader as well as Colle and Time Steve from Void Steve at the old Red Kingdom. Genesis Steve didn't know at that moment, he saw Hypno Steve for the first time, they were the same person.

"I'd ratherer nototwtwt talkalklklk aboutoutut it," Hypno Steve responded.

"I've madeaded mistakes akes inininwnwn theinthethe past asaswsws wellellwlwl as mymyeyey timeimeimewm in theinthethe futureureurewrwr. As a result, I've put those I still remotely care about in danger. I hardly care about anybody anymore after millenniums of being in existence, but I still care about the Red Leader, as well as Colle, from this threat. Thethethe Cyberdronesonsonswns willillwlwl haveavavwv tototowo holdoldoldwld themthemthememwm offoffwfwf forororwrwr nownowowow," Hypno Steve added. In the middle, he spoke calmly, because he still remotely cares about M and Colle. He knew them when he was still the Red Leader, the longest reigning head of the Red Steves.

"What mistakes? Who- what?" Time Steve questioned.

"You wereererwrwr rightightrtrt therewrwr whenenwnwn Iyiyiyi waswaswsws mockingingrngrngng the Doctortheoctorwr andandndwndwnd youyouyouwu forgotortrtrt whatatrtrt I spokeokewkwk ofwfwfwvwv alreadyeyeywy? Youyou knowowow whatatrtrt- it doesn't matter. The First irstirstwrst Curseursers andndnd Grogararwrwr arearewrwr alsososo a dangerererwrwr totowowo themememwm as wellellwlwlwl," Said Hypno Steve.

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