Doctor Whooves' Origin

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"I thought they left entirely!" Doctor Whooves exclaimed.

"INCORRECT," The bombastic robotic voice replied back. Coming from behind Dread Steve is a Dalek. But this one is a shorter one, and it's colour is bronze.

"I bet that Supreme guy sent you in, huh?" Time Steve questioned, stepping forward and confronts the Time War Dalek model.

"CORRECT," The Dalek replied. It's eyestalk goes from looking at Time Steve to look at Doctor Whooves. It turns it's body so it's gunstick is pointing at Doctor Whooves. The gunstick then begins to glow. But out of nowhere, a pony figure in a black cloak jumps infront of Doctor Whooves. The gunstick's plasma bolt hits the cloaked figure, and they fall to the ground. The Dalek as well as Dread Steve then flash white before disappearing.

"Are you okay-" Time Steve got down onto his knees. He puts his right hand on the cloak's hood, then pulls it down. The figure is a grey stallion with dark grey hair, and green irises in his eyes.

"He's alive- here, let me help you up," Time Steve got up whilst pulling the cloaked stallion up with him. The cloaked stallion began wobbling uncontrollably. Immediately, Time Steve and Doctor Whooves stood on one side each.

"You'll be okay, we'll get help," Doctor Whooves reassured in calm voice. Together, they walk back through the portal.
The steve and 2 ponies exit the portal. They are back in the overworld, underground, outside of where the remains of the citadel remain. Nobody else is here, everybody else must've teleported away.

"I can't teleport- I need to support this guy!" Time Steve exclaimed.

Lightning strikes nearby them. Appearing by them is Colle and the Doctor.

"Oh, they're out of the world below-" The Doctor immediately notices the other stallion.

"Who are they?"

"Time, Whooves, what's going on? We thought you two were trapped! I panicked and got the Doctor- what happened?" Colle sternly questioned.

"Dread Steve came back, and he got taken away by a um, the worst thing in all of creation, shall we put it- Yeah, that, a smaller bronze coloured one," Time Steve replied.

"What? What do you mean?" Colle inquired further.

"He means a Dalek. The Daleks must need Dread for something," The Doctor replied, hiding his actual feelings on this news. He knows exactly why the Daleks would want Dread Steve. But this will be something he has to deal with later. His focus is on the cloaked stallion.

"Oh no, that's bad news right there, we gotta go after them, right away. If they can time travel and all, and what they want is destroy everybody, we gotta deal with that," Colle strongly suggested.

The Doctor meanwhile has his attention more focused on the cloaked stallion. It's almost as if he feels something different about him. It's almost as if... he knows who it is.

"Colle um, do you mind if you uh, take Doctor Whooves with you, so he uh, can explain, some things?" The Doctor stutters as he makes a request for the collector.

"What about that Dalek, the one Time just brought up?" Colle inquired.

"That's my task to deal with, and your task is to do what I've asked," The Doctor sternly replied. Colle agrees and walks to Doctor Whooves and summons lightning, teleporting himself and the pony away. Now, it's just Time Steve, the Doctor and the cloaked stallion.

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