Multiple Problems At Large

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"Elemental, go get Time, now!" Sabre turns around to say before he turns back to look at the Violet Steve, who is looking back at him.

"What's going on here!?"

"It's happening throughout every kingdom. A Red Steve earlier said it might have been spreading for months and why people and ponies have gone missing," The Violet Steve answered.

"So this has been growing for potentially months!?"

"Apparently so," The Violet Steve replied to Sabre.

"Is she gonna be okay?" Is all Granny Smith could ask in a murmur, gently stroking Apple Bloom's mane with her left forehoof.

"I... I don't know," Violet Steve stuttered in response, who is under stress from this new infection going around, and taken by surprise Sabre had just come in.

"Keep strong..." Big Mac said in a low pitch voice of anxiety and concern. Not only Applejack isn't feeling well, now Apple Bloom isn't feeling well too.

"I came as quick as I could!" Time Steve said loudly as he walks straight to the yellow filly.

"This reminds me of something... not sure if it's exactly that... but I hope it's not," Said Time Steve.

"What is it Time? You think you know what it is?" Sabre asked.

"I have read something similar to this, when we were at the Great Library..." Time Steve started explaining, looking at Apple Bloom's completely white eyes before looking back at Sabre.

"Before the demons, before Void or the darkness... there was a steve, who corrupted those he could grab hold of onto someone's fears..."

"Those he corrupted, he shows them their worst fears. Those fears may not be what you think of, he knows your worst fear while you don't. It can't be healed by Green Steves... and I don't think I can reverse the time state." Time Steve finishes his explanation, before glancing at the CMC, to both adults of the apple family, to Applejack, to the Violet Steve before finally looking back at Sabre.

"I hope not... but I fear it is that infection."

"So, we're potentially dealing with an ancient infection- EVERYONE! Get away from Apple Bloom, NOW! We don't know if she can spread it onto anyone near her!" Sabre barked, making everyone jump apart from Apple Bloom, who remains sitting, not moving or talking, not even responding.

"Does this mean I caught it!?" Sweetie Belle panicked, getting down to the floor and shakes, her forehooves on top of her head.

"I don't know Sweetie Belle, but it's best we don't take chances, not until we can figure out a solution to the problem," Sabre responded before he looks back at Time Steve.

"Time, did it say anything about how to cure this infection?" Sabre asked.

"We need to inside the mindscape, and help them overcome whatever the fear is," Time Steve answered.

"So that means someone like Luna would be able to sort it out, but- She returned to wherever they were as well as Celestia. The only reason she and Celestia came back in the first place was because Cadence panicked when the six disappeared, from what I have heard. So bringing Luna back would be wrong on our part," Sabre replied.

"Could Twilight or Starlight do anything? They're pretty strong," Elemental Steve suggested.

"Hmm... *Looks at Time Steve* we should go and get Starlight. Let's see if she can do anything about it, as she does have a variety of abilities. Twilight is pretty powerful, but Starlight does have more variety in her abilities, from what I've seen at least," Sabre said as he then looks towards Apple Bloom.

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