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"Morning Fluttershy, I just thought I'd come over. You were really scared the other day, so I came to check on you," Light Steve said as Fluttershy lets him into her cottage.

"Hey, yeah I'm okay. Thank you for coming..."

"You okay? You sound quiet- You're usually quiet, but this is too quiet, even for you. Are you sure you're doing okay?" Light Steve asked. The steve and pegasus sits next to each other on the wide seat Discord usually sits on, the one that's closest to the window at the other end of the cottage.

"Discord said he'd see me in a few days after trying to figure out this situation. His quietness is making me more worried for him. It isn't like him to go this long without saying anything," Fluttershy murmured, looking away from Light Steve, looking at the floor.

"I understand... especially- Especially after yesterday. Them two guards I lost, I knew them for a long time. I felt like I had let them down. So, I... I been trying to help others by doing extra shifts of duty. I feel guilty I let that happen to them."

"It wasn't your fault, Light. What happened there... not even Professor Red expected it. But without you as well as Shining... everypony would've struggled against the... d- Demons," Fluttershy reassured, looking back up to Light Steve.

"Thanks, makes me feel slightly better," Light Steve responded back whilst nodding.

"I'm also worried for Applejack. Rainbow was telling me about what happened and- It can't be her alone right- I- So much things is happening and it's overwhelming!" Fluttershy looks down and puts her forehooves over her head and screams. Light Steve shuffles up pats the yellow pegasus with his left hand.

"Whatever it is, we'll figure it out. We've got multiple people and ponies working on this. This anarchy will end, I promise you."

"I- I just needed to scream, sorry..." Fluttershy apologized.

"Don't worry about it, I'd have probably would've done too," Light Steve said with a warm chuckle.

"Also, that one time you said when you performed on stage with Rarity, Big Mac and that... if that was me and I was still Shy Orange Steve, I wouldn't of even turned up. You done better there than I would've done. I was shy just like you-Maybe not as shy as you, but I overcame my shyness, and I will help you overcome yours," Light Steve said firmly, his voice sounding full of determination.

"I... I just don't know how to. I just seem to be the weakest at everything. Against everything we had to face, from Nightmare Moon long ago, to more recently the Demon Steves. I can't do anything, I just feel useless. Everybody seems they can do everything, even without me-"

"Stop it there right now! I ain't even letting you finish that!" Light Steve exclaimed. Fluttershy jumped at Light Steve's very sudden interruption.

"Where would your friends be without you, old and new? Nowhere. Would Discord of changed his ways without you? No. Plus, in everything you went up against, your friends couldn't of won without you. These are overwhelming times, but you can't let it get to you Fluttershy- That's the problem we need to work on, not letting things get to you so easily."

"Yeah, you're right... I do let things overwhelm me too easily... like I had let my bullies do to me too," Fluttershy sighed.

"It sounds like you've been struggling with these problems for a while now, huh," Light Steve stated. Fluttershy nodded.

"I got... better, I owe everything to my friends for it... but it's still difficult... I'm always scared that something bad will happen..." Fluttershy wept, looking away from Light Steve.

My Little Pony meets Rainbow Quest: The sequelWhere stories live. Discover now