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I'm so sorry updates on this story are very slow. I've been working on my other stories a lot lately. But while I was, I haven't stopped work on this story. As a treat, I made a chapter that's around 11k words big as a treat. Anyway, I hope you enjoy :)
"If it's a fight you want... it's a fight you'll get..."

The First Curse levitates off the ground while making the ground shake.

"You won't defeat me, your powers combined can't match mine. The months of peace allowed me to conjure the strength I need to defeat all of you. The Demons were a mere distraction, for my true plans. Now, the time has come to initiate them, and I refuse to be stopped by mortal pests."

Sabre quickly mounts on Rainbow Dash, who then flaps her wings to get in the air. Time, Elemental, Genesis Steve hovers up as well. Twilight flaps her wings and hovers up as well. Time Steve holds out one of the green shards, holding it like he would hold a dagger. The First Curse flies backwards while continuing to levitate, forcing Time Steve, Elemental Steve, Genesis Steve, Twilight and Rainbow Dash to fly up to keep level with the First Curse. The First Curse is trying seperate them from those on the ground.

"The Demon Steves... Applejack's curse... everything... all of it has swayed your attention off of me, and a goat. My plan is close to being fulfilled. I will not faulter, the plan will begin. None of you will stop me now, you're all too late to do that... I sense it," The First Curse boasted, his voice sending an uneasy sensation of power into everyone. The others feel some sort of energy pulsing, hitting them, coming from the First Curse, a powerful kind of energy, an unsettlingly powerful energy, just from the voice alone.

Genesis Steve and Elemental Steve are first to charge at the First Curse, with fireballs. The First Curse blocks the balls by materializing the air in front of him into a wall of obsidian, which then falls and breaks into several bits of particles on the way down. The First Curse charges at them, trying lightning, but misses. But he doesn't take into account that...

"Now, Dash!" Sabre yelled as Rainbow Dash flies towards the First Curse, who had no time to respond.

Sabre uses the supercharged redstone staff and Rainbow Dash uses her armour's abilties. Several redstone-powered lightning strikes hits the First Curse, stunning him. Sabre grips onto Rainbow Dash's neck with his whole left arm, and hoists the staff with his right hand.

Time Steve uses one of the shards as a dagger, stabbing the First Curse with it, the same shard that Adorabella shared details about. Twilight starts using her magic, striking the First Curse with a few powerful purple beams before trying to hold him in place with an aura. Genesis Steve and Elemental Steve summons a volley of fireballs, slamming into the First Curse.

"Elemental, catch!" Time Steve yelled as ge pulls the Judge's hammer from his inventory with his left hand, then throws it to Elemental Steve, who catches it. Elemental Steve starts striking the First Curse on the head with the hammer.

"You all think that this is all I have to offer? No... if you want to see power... I'll show you power!" The First Curse extends his arms, creating a powerful blast of wind, knocking everybody around him back several dozen blocks. He creates pillars of obsidan and crying obsidian, erecting out of the ground, narrowly missing his opponents.

"You have all picked a fight that will confiscate you of life. Even the mere mention of my name can put you at risk of my curses... I am that powerful now. Which was why Genesis and Dream were always afraid to say my true name directly... I am the First Curse!"
(On the ground)

My Little Pony meets Rainbow Quest: The sequelWhere stories live. Discover now