Doctor Who - Let's Save Some Steves

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Definitely play the 11th Doctor intro before reading this chapter. It is a chapter where the Doctor actually does something big. Gotta get the vibes going.
Time Steve is in the Doctor's TARDIS, with the Time Lord himself. They are falling back through time again. The Doctor is theorizing why the Daleks escaped Time Steve's attempt to displace them.

"When you displaced everybody, including the Daleks, that was because you was falling apart. But as soon as you pulled yourself back together, and everything went back to how it was, also meant the Daleks came back and were able to get away. The Time War is timelocked, so that might be why you couldn't displace them in that period."

"Well, aren't the Daleks gonna be a problem? They got away like you said, did they not?" Time Steve pointed out.

"Oh yes, a big universal wide problem, and we're going back in time. Hypno could've ended the Paradigm there and then, but didn't. So, I'm going to make Hypno help me fix it, whether he likes it or not. If he truly holds infinite knowledge, he'll foresee us intervening," Said the Doctor, sounding very annoyed with the Daleks barely escaping, yet again. He begins pulling a few levers and pushing a few buttons on his control panel. He stops the TARDIS falling further back in time.

"We don't have time to worry about the past, we got to keep moving forward," Time Steve responded sternly.

"In order to move forward, you need to look for the crucial things that are behind you that will help you face what's ahead of you," The Doctor responded back in the same stern tone back to Time Steve. The Time Lord then looks back to the control panel, then to the small TV screen above it.

"But if we go back and keep meddling with the past, we'll affect the future. Remember what you said, which I fully agree with? You can't change the past if you're part of it, remember?" Time Steve stated. The Doctor turns around to look at the steve.

"Rule one, the Doctor lies," He said in a low-pitch tone.

"What do you mean?" Time Steve questioned.

"There are fixed points throughout time where things must stay exactly the same. This is not one of them. There's always a way out," The Doctor replied.
"...Genesis- No no no no no- Genesis where are you- This is not- We gotta go!" Colle yelled out to Genesis Steve. The Red Kingdom is on fire and corrupted by Void Steve's darkness. Genesis Steve had been fighting him, and right now Void Steve is winning. From near the bottom, standing on a ball of darkness, he sees Genesis descent down quite fast, but keeps control of the descent.

"I'm coming-" Several stacked balls of darkness made of black blocks and bedrock are summoned on top and traps Genesis Steve as he tries to fly and escape.

"Genesis- NO!" Colle cried out and began panicking. Genesis Steve is now weak, and soon it'll just be him against Void Steve.

"No no no no- Is he stuck in that- What did you do!?" Colle yelled out loud, his yelling directed at Void Steve, who isn't in Colle's sight.

"No... Genesis come on- Wait- You're okay!" Colle exclaims with relief. Genesis Steve breaks out of the ball of darkness, albeit barely. He gets out an iron sword to try ward off further attacks, but they'll be in vain.

"Colle... RUN!" Genesis Steve screamed. Void Steve began striking lighting on Genesis Steve. But then a vertically blue oblong blur came into view, crashing into Void Steve and sending him flying. Colle doesn't pay attention to what it was. Genesis Steve is laying on the ground, barely alive on a thread. Colle uses this chance to help him get back up.

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