Reality Is Being Shifted

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"What is it exactly, Discord?" Fluttershy asked, who is really concerned. Discord snaps his Eagle claws and forms a barrier around everyone, so he can state what is going on.

"You won't like what I'm about to say, all of you," Discord replied to Fluttershy, then exchanges looks to everyone else in the room, then says what is happening.

"It is the..."
"...Demon Steves. It has to be them doing this," M stated. All 7 leaders of the chromatics are down in the tiny room below their HQ, not far from the citadel. They are around a 3 by 3 dark oak table, with a map in the middle. On the 4 sides of the area in the middle are 2 rooms, most are storage rooms, except one is a glass cell, another is an anvil room and the other are a set of spiral stairs, leading to the exit. It was mainly made by the Elite Colourless Guard and Light Steve to combat the Corrected Sun, but it can also act as an area to freely discuss and bring up the topic of the Demon Steves.

"Okay, good, this means the room's sealed completely. A risky gamble, but worth it," The Orange Leader sighed of relief. Before they went in, he was the one to block the entrance.

"If it is the demons, then how are they back? The darkness apparently rebalanced, right? Alright granted, Madness came in out of nowhere and went 'everything goes brrrrrr'. But he undid all that when he reformed back into Calmness," The Blue Leader wondered.

"I know, this don't make any sense, unless they're getting their energy from something, or someone, maybe from two, or more," The Yellow Leader pointed out.

"But from who though? There's literally no one we can think of, other than Calmness, but he isn't gonna be doing this. That's the thing we need to figure out, cut the demons off from their supplier of power," The Green Leader responded.

"Also, this is like... the third or so time the demons tried, why they doing this? They're just gonna fail again," The Violet Leader wondered, speaking out loud to the group.

"I don't think that matters right now. But I think I know where their main entrance point is. If we cut them off from that, their numbers reduce significantly, cutting their connection to this world," M replied.

"Where?" All the other leaders asked in unison.

"Where the first ever fight against the Demon Steves took place, the Obsidian citadel."

"Speaking of that- Didn't these biome steves and that become extinct a long time ago?" The Yellow Leader asked M.

"Yes, and that was where the battle took place, which was how we stopped them completely overrunning this world. The Red Kingdom has a lot of books about this era in fact, so yeah- Back on topic, my assumption is their main access point to the overworld is the Obsidian citadel. There aren't too many of them at the moment. We should strike now before they create new access points," M replied. All the other leaders nodded in agreement.

"And how do you propose on that as we can't see them?" The Indigo Leader questioned M.

"Grrr, true. I imagine that's why Light is over in Equestria with Shining Armour. Hopefully the ponies can figure something out on how we can see them. Until we are able to see them, we're out of cards. Shutting off our portals will do us more harm than good, and we can't do it without notice. I suggest we don't tell our people about their return. As long we don't mention them openly, we should be fine, for the moment. We can't afford people talking about them and then disappearing on mass," M stated. The other leaders nodded in agreement.
(Back at Canterlot Castle)

"No... I... we... we defeated them a LONG TIME AGO!" Sabre exclaimed.

"We're being invaded by these... Demon Steves, and we can't see them!?" Fluttershy is very worried of the prospect of invisible demons. She also just mentioned Demon Steves. However, Discord anticipates right as reality was about to be warped. With the snap of his fingers, he prevents reality being warped. He felt a pain in his stomach doing so, crouching and putting his hands on his belly.

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