Sombra's Demonic Modification

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"What's wrong you two- Other than Dread being here, what's wrong?" Time Steve asked. Twilight and Fluttershy gulps, knowing who is back judging by the green flowing eyes.

"Behold, my new ally!" Dread Steve cheered. Then what follows is a loud deep-toned evil laugh, catching Time Steve's attention.


The Demon Steve with the horn slowly turns darker, it's arms and legs becoming hooves made of magma, the bottom of each being made of netherrack. It's back became one of a pony, and a red cloak on it's back appears, the edges of the cloak being made of molten lava. It's whole body is made of magma, as well as it's head. It's mane and tail is nothing but pure fire. On it's head has the horn, which stays the same, the sclera becomes a pale light orange colour. The iris become slightly orange with a mix of red, and the pupils are black.

"King Sombra!?"

"Ah ha ha ha ha!"

"So that's it, just a spirit that can take over bodies? Like we haven't seen that before."

Angered, the dark spirit instantly strikes Time Steve with not his usual dark purple, but a bright orange beam of magic. Everyone else takes their focus off the 2 demonic figures and hastily went to help Time Steve back up.

"Time are you okay!?" Sabre exclaimed.

"Gah... that was- Agh."

"How dare you!? You want to get to Time, you got to get through me!" Sabre yells as he turns around, using the Supercharged Redstone Staff against King Sombra.


He turns into an orange cloud, which the lightning strikes right through. After the attack failed, King Sombra manifests back together and chuckles.

"With us two, we're unstoppable!"

Twilight and Fluttershy shivers in fright, not because of Dread Steve or King Sombra. King Sombra is out of his character. He's working with somebody without using them as a slave. Other than using those around him as slaves for his own gain, the arrogant spirit works alone, towards his own goals.

Whoever is in charge of the Demon Steves has a lot of power. They only have a single thing to go off of, they know the one behind this is Dread Steve's creator. Whoever it is, they have shown they're very capable, especially if they can make somebody like King Sombra step out of character.

He glares at Sabre, Time Steve, Dream Steve, Twilight and Fluttershy. His menacing look still made the alicorn and pegasus' blood go cold, their soles leaving their body, especially with the demonic coat added to him.

"With mine and Dread's powers combined, we can make everybody's worst fears real! Both our corruptions shows your worst fears!" King Sombra bragged while laughing. Dream Steve gulps at that prospect. Before, what went on in the mindscapes, stayed in the mindscapes. But if what he says is true, everything that everybody is so fearful of could leak into the real world.

"We'll see about that, Sombra! You may have a new ally, but we'll stop you once again!" Twilight yelled with confidence, putting her fear aside.

"Enough! Now, what is your worst dread?" Dread Steve looks at Time Steve and flies towards him, followed by his new ally.

"Stay away!" A voice screamed as multiple balls of ice summons out of nowhere, catching Dread Steve and King Sombra off guard, and freezing them in place. Then a blurry blue object came whizzing and spinning through the air and into the ice, shattering it.

"I thought the Doctor was inside Derpy's house," Time Steve stated.

"It is Doctor Whooves," From above, Elemental Steve hovers down. Time Steve heads over to his brother. The door of the Tardis ahead meanwhile opens.

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