Discord's Worst Dread

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Short story, this isn't the original text.

Long story, what happened is that when I was about to continue with the original text, the chapter was gone. So me going into panik mode, I was scrambling to try and rewrite everything- all is good now- Just enjoy the chapter XD

Sabre, Elemental Steve, Genesis Steve, Dream Steve, the mane 6, Starlight and Star Swirl are at the location Discord was discovered.

"How did I not notice him..." Fluttershy had been struck hard by guilt. Where Discord had been missing was just behind her cottage. Close to 4 days, Discord has been corrupted.

"Fluttershy- Look- You didn't know, okay. I'm sure Discord will understand. We'll save him and get him outta there alright," Sabre said lightly.

"He- He was behind my cottage... I should've known- But I didn't- It's all my fault..." Fluttershy weakly murmured.

"This is what Dread Steve wants. He wants us to give in, but we won't, because we're stronger than he thinks we are. We will prove to him how strong we are and not some push over," Starlight said with determination.

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's go and uncorrupt this guy," Said Genesis Steve.

"Even with my powers combined with Star Swirl's magic, we can't send you in Genesis. Only those eight can, go," Said Dream Steve.

"Well if that's the case, I'm gonna chill," Elemental Steve spoke as he creates a tub made of stone bricks filled with lava. He gets in and sits down, then looks up while tossing pufferfish as vertical and high as he can.

"Even from here I'm sweating- I'm step away a little bit," Genesis Steve takes a few steps back, away from Elemental Steve's lava hot tub.

"Right, you eight ready?" Dream Steve asked the 8 as he gets ready to teleport them while Star Swirl's horn glows white.

"Alright, this is it, send us in," Sabre replied.

"Okay. Three... two... go," The combined power of Dream Steve and Star Swirl casting his spell is successful as the 8 began to flash white while lightning strikes them.
Sabre, the mane 6 and Starlight are now inside Discord's mindscape. They are in a dark blue hallway with several oak doors on each side. The carpet below is red and there's nothing but the vacuum above.

"Seriously? He's scared of hallways!?" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

"There has to be something to it. I don't think it's hallways literally," Twilight pointed out.

"Yeah- Ah don' tink so eitha."

Everypony else instantly glances at Applejack. For the first time in 4 days she spoke normally.

"What in the name of- Is... is wrong with you!? Poor Apple Bloom has been worried for you- And you're fine! This isn't a funny joke!" Sabre exclaimed.

"It's th' mindscape, ah can speak how ah usuall' would... but I can't. Somethin'- Stoppin' me- Somebody's stoppin' me," Applejack clarifies why she can speak normally now.

"Tell us who done this to you and we can go and confront who made you go crazy," Said Pinkie Pie.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah! I don't think I'll let you say anything," A ninth voice interrupts the conversation.

"Dread..." Sabre muttered as he turns around. The mane 6 and Starlight frowns as they turn around. They all see Dread Steve standing there.

"What are you doing here? We've found Discord, we're gonna uncorrupt him. You can't do anything now Dread," Sabre confidently stated.

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