Dread Steve's Last Stand

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Hello! So so sorry for not updating this story for a while. But I am back, and off the bat I have a pretty exciting chapter for you all. At the end, I have also left a spicy cliffhanger. You'll have to read to the end on what that cliffhanger is :O

Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this chapter :)
M and the Orange Leader had already teleported away. Genesis Steve as well as Light Steve and Dark Steve meanwhile had teleported to the group that's already consisting of Time Steve, Dream Steve, the Obsidian Leader, Colle, the mane 6, Starlight, Trixie and Flash Sentry. Doctor Whooves is also with them. The Doctor has gone back in his TARDIS, having it ready on standby.

"Well, now we're all here, let's teleport to the gate," Colle said as everybody gathers around him and he summons lightning, teleporting.
The group are infront of the gate. But the gate is blocked off by a large cobblestone portal frame, it's entrance emitting a red hue, radiating heat. The corners of the cobblestone are made of redstone blocks.

"That... wasn't here before," The Obsidian Leader stated.

"I thought you and the Doctor closed off the world below completely, right?" Time Steve turns to face Doctor Whooves.


"Yes, and even with that portal being open, no demons will flood out," Doctor Whooves reassured.

"So that means... whoever opened that portal, they knew we would come here. Whoever opened it, they've opened it from the world below," Colle hypothisized.

"I sense Dread Steve on the other side," Dream Steve stated.

"That's impossible. The Doctor and I detected that he was in the tomb," Doctor Whooves shook his head.

"It's possible that uh... he warped reality a little bit, and teleported to... y'know, the world below as he did, and with the portal just happening to conviniently be here, uh, y'know, he may of opened it, and we gotta go to the Ah ha, ha, ah... uh, um, hmm..." Time Steve slowly speaks and stutters.

"You're telling us that we have to go to the world below and face Dread Steve there!?" Colle exclaimed.

"The world below!?" Everypony in the group also exclaimed.

"Yes," Time Steve replied in a quick, flat tone.

"I think you just took a dose of every type of harmful potion Time. It took a whole army of us, to push the demons back down to the pits, and you say we have to go to those exact pits, with only just us, up against Dread Steve, and EVERY DEMON STEVE IN EXISTENCE THERE!?" Genesis Steve spoke louder and louder, yelling towards the end.

"Yes," Time Steve again replied in a quick, flat tone.

"My darkness abilities should be enough to keep any demons away from us," Dark Steve commented.

"That is right, the darkness is what the Demon Steves are very weak to," Said Twilight.

"I still don't know, going to the world below is more dodgy than a simp's search history," Pinkie Pie commented.

"Come on, we all went to the Madness Dimension didn't we? And we all came out of that. We'll deal with the world below like a piece of cake!" Rainbow Dash said confidently.

"Dark, one out of ten, do you bet the portal will take us to the same arena Sabre fought Void in?" Said Time Steve.

"Oh wow that's a long time ago- I don't know, probably," Dark Steve shrugged his shoulders.

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