Doctor Who - Going Into Parallel Worlds

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Definitely play the Doctor Who intro before reading. Gotta get the mood going.

Just saying, play the 12th Doctor's intro.
Sabre, Time Steve, the Doctor and Starlight continues screaming while Hypno Steve slowly stops chuckling maniacally.

"The spell does work... but not well enough..."

The TARDIS has stopped shaking and had made a loud thud as it landed somewhere. But sparks continue coming out of the controls. Hypno Steve would undo the illusion of the TARDIS ripping apart he has the others facing, particularly, the Doctor's illusions. But to undo the Doctor's, he has to undo everyone's. Hypno Steve can't be bothered to deal with the loathing of the group, at least not yet.

"The TARDIS hashas overheatededed..." Hypno Steve concluded. Even being protected by Starlight's magic, the TARDIS had taken a beating. Hypno Steve can't go anywhere near the controls without burning himself. The former Red Leader's injuries Madness Steve had left him with many physical challenges, even thousands of years on in his perspective.

"Elementaltalwlwl, coolcooloolwlwlwl the controlsthecontrolstrolstrls," Hypno Steve ordered. Also on board the TARDIS unbeknownst to everyone else but the Doctor, is Elemental Steve.

"On it," Elemental Steve groaned has he walked from the bottom, up the stairs, to the controls. Elemental Steve puts his hands on the very hot controls and uses his ice abilities to cool the controls down. Only then did the sparks stop.

"Now will you undo their illusion?" Elemental Steve huffed in a demanding tone. Hypno Steve looks at the others and summons lightning on them. They stop screaming immediately, they look at each other in confusion, and then look at Hypno Steve with anger.

"I have just about had it with your illusions," The Doctor sternly spoke as he walks to Hypno Steve, frantically pointing at him.

"From this point on, no more illusions!" The Doctor sternly raises his voice at Hypno Steve.

"Oh howo howowo howowo howowowo... as youyou wishwishishish, justust sayinging, you'll regretgretrtrt makingkingkingngngng that demandmandmndnnd latertererer ononon..." Hypno Steve sniggered. The Doctor sighs while shaking his head as he walks back to his controls.

"Wait- when was Elemental on board?" Starlight questioned.

"I was in my hot tub downstairs," Elemental Steve replied.

"So... what are we up to now then?" Elemental Steve yawned.

"Breaking reality's rules, using the void to get to parallel worlds- something we're really not meant to do," The Doctor replied as he goes back to piloting the TARDIS. He knew how very risky doing what he is doing, is.

"So uh, Elemental- I'm gonna ask before I forget- any updates on what those Cyberdrones are after?" Sabre asked.

"They've broke whatever this... temporal blockade, was. Some are still sticking around the Red Kingdom, as well as that house in Rockville. They were also discussing something about detecting gold spheres of quantum uncertainty in the void, very far away from our home dimension," Elemental Steve stated. The Doctor steps away from the controls, then looks at Elemental Steve when he heard 'spheres of quantum uncertainty'.

"What... what are they exactly, according to them?" The Doctor sternly questioned Elemental Steve.

"I dunno, they just said the spheres that they found in the void technically didn't exist," Elemental Steve shrugged.

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