After The Battle (Summary)

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I'm doing a timeskip with a summary of events. Sorry I haven't updated this story for a while, as I had other stories I was working on which had higher priority. But I will get back on track with this story and start updating this story more often hopefully.


(Over a course of a week)

After the 2nd massive Demon Steve war, all parties that took part returned home to process everything that went down. It was a major battle, and major figures were lost. All the chromatic leaders but the Red and Orange Leader were destroyed. All steve casualties had been high. Pony and changeling casualties had been higher. But no matter how many of who died, or the importance of the individual fallen, all those who died and those who lived secured the safety of their friends, for their friends to live their lives without fear of enemies wanting their destruction.

An estimate of 1,800 had died fighting, steve, pony, yak, changeling and a single dragon (Garble). However, exactly just 1,000 bodies were able to be recovered, unfortunately not including Garble. In rectangular-shaped wooden coffins with red ribbon around them as well as 3 diamonds on top of the lids, the fallen bodies are paraded from Canterlot, to Ponyville, down to Appleloosa, to the Changeling Kingdom and then through all the steve kingdoms in the overworld. As they were paraded wherever they went, many citizens placed flowers on top of the coffins to show their respects to the bodies being paraded through.

Their final destination, where they will be placed to rest will be outside the Indigo Tower. There, they will travel to their afterlife. Origin Steve helped Garble as well as the fallen ponies, yaks and changelings navigate to the afterlife back in their reality, as they died in the overworld and would've ended up in the world beyond otherwise. Origin Steve had made attempts to connect the world beyond together with Equis' equivalent to the world beyond, but has so far failed to do so due to both afterlife laws being so different.

While Origin Steve continues to work on a solution in finding a way for both afterlives to be joined together, the overworld and Equis joined together in mourning. Even the creatures that didn't partake in the fight, such as the griffons, hippogriffs and seaponies, who would've changed into their hippogriff form to go. Even a Storm Creature came to pay respects, the same Storm Creature that Fluttershy talked with back in Canterlot while going to stop the Storm King the first time around.

Meanwhile, the apprentices of the Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet Steves become the leaders. The leaders before them had fallen in the closing moments of the battle. Meanwhile, M, the Orange Leader and Twilight helped the apprentices in their new roles, helping them lead their people.

The whole resurgence of the Demon Steves had also created a whole load of aftermath problems. Most of these problems were left by Dread Steve's corruption. Many needed therapy, traumatized by seeing their worst fear, including the mane 6 and the CMC. Most of the damage had been left by Dread Steve. Violet Steves are more needed now than ever. Sabre and Colle, who both experienced the corruption, had been put in charge by the new Violet Leader, in gathering help for those who need it.

After a few days, Light Steve, Shining Armour, Pharynx, and other creatures in charge of the defence of their civilians, together created protocols. This is to prevent invasions like the recent Demon Steve invasion from happening ever again. Once a week, they will begin holding defensive drills, preparing for future potential invasions. Light also encourages Spike to help out in setting up these drills. Light noticed Spike feeling like he had been useless lately, and wanted to show Spike that he isn't useless.

Meanwhile, Time Steve, still disappointed in the Doctor's departure, attempted in contacting him through the Time Dimension with the interdimensional TV. But all his attempts in contacting him had failed. Even with Doctor Whooves later joining in on this, their efforts in contacting the Doctor failed.

Elemental Steve also gets back to his normal schedule in the School of Friendship. All schools across Equestria, the academies in the overworld, every place of education across both worlds return back to normal. The CMC as well as Dinky return back to school. For the next few days, Sabre would do pick ups and drop offs for them.

The Obsidian Leader, is still hesitant to reveal the Obsidian Steve's continued existence. M and the new Green Leader, leaders of both steve civilizations that had once isolated themselves, eventually convinces the Obsidian Leader to work on eventually reintroducing the remaining Obsidian Steves into society. But that won't happen for a while yet.

The Obsidian Steves still being around had also sparked questions whether the biome steves as well as any Winter Steves had survived and are in hiding. Professor Red, Assistant Steve and Elemental Steve tried searching for any signs of them. Genesis Steve caught wind of their project and wanted to help them. Even then, they couldn't find any traces, but they did find the remains of their destroyed kingdoms. Orange Steves built a few museums within a day, so any items found by Professor Red, Assistant and Elemental can be put on display.

Even with Dread Steve being defeated, Dream Steve hadn't faded away yet. Origin Steve explained that as Dream Steve had already died, but came back, the rules of domains and balance between Dream and Dread worked differently. The different era had also been tough for Dream Steve, as there's so many new faces and names to remember. There's also a lot more mindscapes to look over, new locations and places to explore.

After the first few days into the week, the rest of the mane 6 can finally focus on what's wrong with Applejack. Applejack's words and speech nevertheless returned to normal, but there's a few things noticeable that isn't right about her. She can't directly state what is wrong, and she can only repeat the names of the 8 apples, but she is trying her best to say what it is. The mane 6, along with Sabre, Colle and some others will be working hard in working out what's going on.

While everybody throughout Equis and the overworld have their tasks and problems cut out for them, everybody is also preparing for Hearth's Warming. This will also be the first Hearth's Warming the steves will celebrate, and hopefully many more to come. As Hearth's Warming got closer, it started to get colder, and snow started forming. The Demon Steve's defeat felt as if Hearth's Warming came early. All the while, everybody is going over the top with their presents this Hearth's Warming. Everybody had to deal with events caused by Madness Steve, and then of course the recent Demon Steve invasion. A lot of trauma has been dished out, and everybody is going to celebrate this Hearth's Warming hard this year, to put the past finally behind them, and to look forward to hopefully a much brighter future ahead.

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