Doctor Who - Voidbound

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TW: Sorry for such a big note at the beginning. This chapter is a 'little' crossover with an AU of 'Equestria's post-war tragedy'. I'm doing a TW, because the actual EPWT story is a mature/M rated story. But don't worry, this chapter won't contain or reference the direct heavy gore, violence and horrible acts that occur in EPWT. There will be no r-rated content in this chapter, which is obvious as I don't want to be taken down. There will be deaths at worst, but nothing gore and extreme violence.

The chapter is so chaotic I struggled with coming up with a title. I even went on and asked a Twelfth Doctor bot for a title lmao. In the end, the bot came up with 'Voidbound' and I stuck with it.

Also, massive shout out to Mr Twisted/He-Who-Remembers1 for the help with this chapter! This is the first time I've ever written a chapter with somebody. He has helped me so much with writing this chapter. So, shoutout to him! Some of his characters are also joining in for this chapter as well! Readers, search for He-Who-Remembers1 on Wattpad).

The chapter is also over 30k words long, but your patience for this chapter will definitely be worth it (sorry for the extremely short wait by the way).

Definitely play the 12th Doctor's intro before reading! Now enjoy this chaotic crossover chapter!
The Doctor looks at the red flag that waving in the direction the wind is blowing. The Doctor's eyes widen in upmost concern. The top left corner of the red flag has a yellow hammer and sickle and the outline of a small yellow star above.

"Uh- uh... this is a weird timeline..." Sabre said to himself inside of his head. He studied history class in school in his original world, long before he came to the steve's overworlf. He knew that the flag planted on top of the pony statue is the flag of the USSR.

"Guys, I see deceased bodies behind the TARDIS," Elemental Steve stated. Everybody heads behind the TARDIS, and sees 3 humans, laying dead in the snow. They are wearing brownish green fabric and wooly uniform and black boots. Their ushankas that has a red star with the hammer and sickle on them, had fallen off.

"Soviet soldiers," Said the Doctor as he knells down.

"Soviet?" Starlight raised an eyebrow.

"What the heck is a Soviet?" Time Steve inquired.

"Soldiers of the USSR- judging by the uniform, I assume we ended up somewhere in the mid fourty's," The Doctor responded as he pats his hands up and down the dead bodies, searching for blood and bullet holes.

"And what is the... USSR?" Elemental Steve questioned.

"Uniononon ofofovov Sovietietetwtwt Socialististst Republics. We are in a parallel world of Sabre's home world. But we are in the past- roughly seven decades into the past," Hypno Steve explained. Hypno Steve still has that sample of Sabre fused with him, meaning he also knew everything about Sabre's home world before he came to the steve's overworld.

"So Sabre looked like them creatures, then how did we not become like them- how did ponies not become like us, or how did we not become like them, when we went into each other's worlds? This doesn't make sense- eh, it doesn't matter anyway, there's more to worry about," Time Steve shrugged.

"Void Steve was partly why I came into the overworld, Time, after discovering and accidentally opening his tomb- maybe that has something to do with it?" Sabre shrugged.

"Yeah you're right Time, there is more to worry about... this timeline- it, it seems as though the Soviet Union- a nation you know nothing about, has taken over Manehattan and presumably all of Equestria," Sabre assumed. The destroyed city in the distance, and the Soviet flag on the pony statue, is a big sign of that.

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