Doctor Who: Daleks In Steve Legends

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Yes I gave this chapter a... Doctory sounding name. This chapter kind of stems away from the main story a little bit. I haven't thrown in the Daleks for the heck of it. There is an actual reason which will be explained in later chapters, so keep a look out for that :)

Now before you start reading, play the 11th Doctor intro at full volume on whatever device you're reading this chapter on before carrying on reading. Incase if it's not obvious which it should blatantly be obvious as I'm using the Paradigm Daleks in here, I am using the 11th Doctor. Got to get the vibes going- Okay I will shut up now, enjoy reading.
"If Dread Steve has returned, it is time to start the fight."

Colle and Seer are on top of a mountain that soars high up into the sky, beyond the clouds and had just summoned Dream Steve. At the top, there's 4 corners, with a pillar in each one with blue fire at the top. On the ground, there is mark of a blue star in the middle.

"Uh... hi, who are you? Are you... the creator of the Winter Steves and the Giants?" Colle asked whilst stuttering. He walks closer to the figure infront of him.

"I am Dream Steve."

"Okay, well, um... hi, my name is Colle, I'm a Red Steve. This is- This is Seer, a Blue Steve," Colle introduced himself, and he briefly looks at Seer as he introduces Dream Steve to him.

"We uh- We're actually working for your creations, to try and uh, try and help them."

"Nice to meet you," Dream Steve replied to Colle.

"What is that? Does anyone here that too?" Seer asked Colle and Dream Steve. In the background, they could hear a loud soaring sound. The 3 notice a dark disk in the distance coming down at a rapid pace, not even stopping at the clouds.

BANG! The whole mountain shook, and most of the clouds disappeared from the impact of whatever came crashing down. Colle and Seer briefly peaked over, before both their fear of heights made themselves pull away from the edge. The whole area at the bottom had been completely wiped out and is on fire.

"What the- We should uh... we should probably go check what that was. Come on," Colle said as he starts slowly walking down the mountain.

"The clouds not being there really doesn't help," Seer shuddered as he and Dream Steve starts following Colle. They could see the ground from above, which the clouds were blocking the view, until whatever that disk is that came crashing down to the surface.

"Yeah Seer... I agree," Colle replied in agreement. Colle feels so happy that he can share his fear of heights with someone.
(At the bottom of the hill)

"Woah- What the... maybe uh- I... I should go let Boss know about this whenever I can," Colle thought to himself. As Colle, Seer and Dream Steve get to the bottom, they see a massive crater, with a bronze disk in it, which has a gold centre. The disk also has multiple cracks and openings on it.

Then 5 white-flashing objects appear. Once the flash died away, 5 machines appear, one white, one blue, one yellow, one orange, and the last one red. It has a plunger on the right, and a whisk on the left on a shiny metal plate, which the same metal goes around the body. The machine also has a black bumper at the bottom. It has a plane lens, the light reflecting through the lens, giving a little hint of yellow surrounded with a black steel object around it, holding onto a stainless metal stick, an eyestalk. On each side of the head are 2 lights. It has a black neck, which has the dome head on top. There's also 8 black bumps, split in half and in formation of a vertical rectangle. There's another 5 sets of 4 bumps in the formation of verticle rectangles on each side. There is also a grey flap of sorts on the back of the machine.

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