Fighting The Infection

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Vworp! Vworp vworp vworp vwrop!

Sabre has turnt Assistant Steve back on during the 4 seconds the Doctor, Time Steve and Starlight have been gone. The blue oblong time machine materializes where it was before it took off and went back in time.

"You weren't lying that you'd be just four seconds," Sabre said as the Doctor opens the doors and walks out as did Time Steve and Starlight came out of the time machine.

"Oh yes, you can get a lot of things done in four seconds," The Doctor responded.

"The Daleks, they've been dealt with," Time Steve said to Sabre.

"Right, where were we after we were brutally interrupted- Ah yes, the infection- We still need to figure that out. Apple Bloom is still infected by whatever it is," Sabre brought up, reminding everybody.

"Infection? Ha ha, I don't have to worry about infections, unlike you morons," Assistant Steve responded. Everyone just ignores the robot.

"Right- Time, you seem to know about this more than any of us do. Who exactly needs to go into one's mind?" Sabre asked Time Steve.

"It's complicated- It'll be easier when we figure how to do that," Time Steve replied.

"Okay, the Daleks have been dealt with. Now our main problem is this infection. Plus, we need to deal with this infection pretty quickly before the demons start coming back. Also uh... Doctor, you should probably go let Elemental and Doctor Whooves know that everything's good again- Well, good as it can be at the moment," Said Sabre.


(Back at Twilight's castle)

"Fluttershy, you can come out from under the table. They're gone I promise," Rainbow Dash said calmly. Fluttershy slowly crawls out from under the table she dived under to. She turns a full 360 degrees, scanning every inch for anything scary or anything that poses even the smallest of dangers.

"Fluttershy it's fine, there's no more of them mean things," Rainbow Dash reassured the yellow pegasus.

"Applejack going insane... to poor Apple Bloom getting ill... who's next!?"

"Fluttershy, we will get through this together," Rarity said with the same tone the pegasus speaks in, soft, gentle and quiet.

"I'm back, and I know how we're going to heal Apple Bloom," Twilight said as she came in through the doors with a grey stallion. This stallion is a unicorn and is slightly taller than Twilight. He is wearing a blue wizard-like hat and cloak, with some stars and moons on.

"Star Swirl?" Said Pinkie Pie.

"I've heard there's an infection going around that behaves similar to Sombra's corruption. From what I've heard, it is curable by going into one's mind and help them conquer their fear. Me and Twilight have created a spell to send anybody into someone's mind," Star Swirl explained, levitating a scroll and carefully placing it down on the table. Lightning strikes where the doors are, Sabre, Time Steve and Starlight appearing after the lightning died away.

"We're back everybody, the Daleks are no longer a problem. So, how is finding a solution to the infection coming along?" Sabre asked the group.

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