Trying To Enjoy Hearth's Warming

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Sorry for the lack of updates to this story. I was hoping to of got this chapter finished much earlier but I've been putting priority in other works. Now, enjoy the chapter, because the end is a big cliffhanger :)
Sabre is in his bedroom in the Steve Village. He just woke up, starring at the glass part of the roof to his left, which is underneath snow. He turns his head right, looking out of the window to the right. Outside it is snowing. Sabre remembers that today is Hearth's Warming, Equestria's equivalent to Christmas. Sabre wonders if the steves call their equivalent to Christmas anything different. But all thoughts paused as he drops back to sleep, still feeling shattered.

He's done a lot this week, helping others with Colle. But last week was nothing compared to the week before. Not at all in the slightest. The week before was complete mayhem. Sure, the war against the Demon Steves lasted only a week, but that was thanks to the new allies standing with the steves. The Demon Steves were a lot more powerful than the last time he remembered them to be. In that week, so many lives had been destroyed as well. No other loss had been more terrible than the Green Steve, Therapist Green Steve as Pinkie Pie called them more often than not. On top of that, the Daleks joined in on the fray, luckily they didn't cause as much trouble as they did when going back in time. The Daleks could've done a lot worse, a lot, lot worse.
Sabre sighs as he forces his eyes to open. All of that craziness is now behind him, finally. The Demon Steves should never be able to come back ever again. The Doctor has left, assumed to now be dealing with the Daleks, so Sabre doesn't have to worry about that.

"Didn't think there'd be more chaos even after Madness Steve reformed. Guess I was wrong... something always has to go wrong..." Sabre sighed. He tries to put on a brave face. Plus, it's now Hearth's Warming, Equestria's equivalent to Christmas. Sabre wonders if the steves call their equivalent to Christmas anything different, he's about to find out. Either way, Sabre doesn't want to let anything that happened to ruin this day. The Green Steve friend that got destroyed, he'd just want Sabre to be happy and enjoy his life.

Knock knock knock...

"Coming," Sabre readjusts his blindfold as he drags his shattered body out of his bed. He goes to the door and opens it. Standing outside is Elemental Steve.

"Hey Elemental," Sabre yawned.

"Slept in again?" Elemental Steve inquired. Sabre nodded.

"Where's... Time?" Sabre asked. He starts slanting forward, but Elemental Steve catches him, and helps him stand up right.

"He's with Dash. They've gone over to check on somepony," Elemental Steve replied, sounding vague.

"Oh, who?" Sabre inquired.

"I promised Time and Dash that I won't say her name. This pony is dealing with a lot right now. Even I shouldn't know about it. I only know because I sensed Time at the Cloudominium with this pony who used to live in this... moat-surrounded shack in the Everfree Forest," Elemental Steve replied, giving a lot more detail.

"Ah, I see," Sabre understood, nodding.

"So, how are you feeling right now?" Elemental Steve asked.

"Drained, man, absolutely drained. Me and Colle couldn't catch a break. There was so many who needed help with their problems, the CMC in particular. They were really roughed up by Dread," Sabre replied, yawning slightly.

"Well... I think you should come downstairs. There's a few friends down there waiting for you," Elemental Steve insisted. Sabre nods as he drags himself along, following Elemental Steve downstairs. As he gets to the bottom and walks past the kitchen and into the front room, waiting there is Light Steve, Dark Steve, as well an Orange Steve, a Yellow Steve wearing a brown leather-based chestplate, 3 fillies, a mare and stallion.

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