Extraterrestrial Steves

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Some more of Madness' lore is in the chapter. I've been planning this for a little while, because his birthday was approaching. Today is his birthday.

Happy birthday btw Madness, and thank you. Without your characters, this chaotically beautiful timeline would not be possible.

Anyway, enough said, enjoy the chapter.

The iron doors on both sides at the top of the massive dark shuttle-like object begin opening, smoke coming from the gap underneath the doors. There's metal clunking coming from inside the object, metal footsteps.

"Hmm... what's in there?" Void Steve turns around and looks at the left-side open door, and walks to the bottom of the steps.

Meanwhile, Sabre, Colle, Time Steve, Elemental Steve and Igneous Rock step back. Meanwhile, the Doctor reaches for his 'wearable technology', his sunglasses. He also reaches for his sonic screwdriver. He stays in front of everybody.

"Doctor, who are we dealing with?" Sabre questioned. He is a bit worried about the situation, as the Doctor has his sonic screwdriver in his right hand ready.

"They care deeply about steves, and they'll commit genocide against those that threaten steves. I've see witnessed them commit a level of genocide I wish not to see again," The Doctor sternly answered, leaving it there. The Doctor knows about the beings inside the shuttle, he knows they aren't 'bad' but they are definitely not 'good'. These beings will kill possible 'threats' without hesitation.

Walking outside of the door is a metallic-looking steve that is silver grey that has a dark grey frame all over it's body. The yellow lights, the eyes, look like to be made of some kind of glass. The being has no mouth, but a speaker, covered by a dark grey sheet of metal. The being doesn't have hair, but a metal sheet-like helmet that looks like steve hair. Underneath the helmet are glowing yellow lights. All over the upper half of it's body is covered with slits, which yellow glowing light comes out of. On it's legs there's 3 light grey squares, where dark grey square-shaped rings that are connected to the frame on it's legs, overlapping the light grey sheets of metal.

"What... are you?" Void Steve walks up the steps, towards the metallic being.

"Scans confirm you are a threat. You will be annihilated," The metallic being steps forward as it spoke with a slightly distorted mechanical voice. It punches Void Steve with it's left hand, and stuns him with incredibly high voltage.

"Agh!" Void Steve howled as he fell down the steps onto the ground while spasming as several tens of thousands of volts with high current courses through him. Then, the metallic being equips itself with a firearm, attaching it to it's arm. It walks down the steps, and aims at Void Steve.

Void Steve, while stunned and lying on the ground unable to feel much of his body, he can still feel his right hand. He quickly summons lightning and teleports away. The metallic being then looks the others and approaches them.

"Uh, may we... help you, sir?" Time Steve slowly asked. The metallic being looks at him, as well as Sabre, Colle, Elemental Steve, Igneous Rock and the Doctor, scanning them.

"Scan completed. You five are harmless," The metallic being concluded. It just scanned them.

"Five? There's uh... six of us," Colle stated. But the metallic being looks at Igneous Rock, scanning him again.

"Relative to... Pinkie Pie," The metallic being stated, raising their right arm, aiming at Igneous Rock. Igneous Rock walks towards the being.

"Indeed so. How may one of thy daughters assist?" Igneous Rock questioned.

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