Dread's Return

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"I am your worst dread..."

"Oh... well, that answers that- It is you," Time Steve stuttered, stepping backwards, getting distance away from the figure. What hope he was clinging onto that it wasn't true, is true. He has read books on this particular steve. Dread Steve has returned.

"And the second shoe drops..."

"Are you the one- The one corrupting everyone!?" Sabre shouted with angry discontent.

"Ah ha ha ha, of course I am. I'm the reason Void became who he was! I've heard all about you, Sabre. It's so good that we finally meet in person. I'm looking forward to what's next!" Dread Steve chuckled blatantly.

"I don't feel the same way. You corrupted Apple Bloom, me and whoever else- That Blue Steve, you made them become Void? Void did pretty horrible things, so you're even worse! Who created you!? Tell us now!" Sabre yelled back, glaring at Dread Steve.

"You've met the person who created me. Derpy saved the one who'd let the demons free once more! Without her saving my creator, he couldn't of recreated me, like this," Dread Steve looks away from the group and laughs, angering the 5 infront further.

"How does Derpy have anything to do with you? She is super kind and super caring. She wouldn't willingly let something like you to come back from... wherever you come from. Derpy may be clumsy, but by no means is she stupid. Clumsy, but not stupid," Twilight stated whilst frowning towards Dread Steve.

"But still she save my creator from Madness!" Dread Steve exclaimed and chuckles.

"Stop this- Who brought your abominable existence back here?" The Doctor in a stern manner questioned Dread Steve.

"Corrupting the Daleks was pathetically easy. Their worst dread is you, Doctor, so thank you. Without you, I wouldn't of lured them here to do my creator's dirty work so easily. But you have now become more of an annoyance than useful to my actions," Dread Steve replied, not answering the question.

"Why did you lure them here? From what I know, the Daleks want to destroy anything that isn't... well, Dalek. So really, you're kinda screwing yourself there man," Sabre stated.

"Also, you could of broke the whole loop and even stopped yourself from existing at all, so you would've... really screwed yourself over," Time Steve added onto Sabre.

"That was the whole point, luring the Daleks in to do the dirty work. Plus, I kept my distance from them, while I pulled the strings," Dread Steve clarified his intentions.

"You have no idea what you're messing with. The Daleks aren't to be seen as puppets. They aren't to be taken lightly. If anyone was going to be the puppet, it would be you," The Doctor sternly stated.

"The Dalek performance was poor to say the least. It don't matter, they've distracted you all to allow me to do the next part of my plan. The next stage of action can now commence," Said Dread Steve.

"But what doesn't make sense it how- How in the name of Gallifrey did you- How did you know about the Daleks in the first place?"

"A crack in reality had allowed my corruption to slip into your dimension, Doctor," Dread Steve chuckled.

"No... it can't be- Does he mean what I think it is?" The Doctor asked himself. He hopes that he isn't thinking about the same thing Dread Steve is talking about.

"Where have you brought us? Where are we!?" Light Steve yelled and went to step closer, but Sabre pulls him back.

"No- Light, don't! You gotta be careful man! We don't know what Dread Steve is fully capable of."

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